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Monday, May 16, 2011

new beetle car 2012

new beetle car 2012. 2012 Volkswagen New Beetle
  • 2012 Volkswagen New Beetle

  • noservice2001
    Jul 18, 07:09 AM
    so ud have to return the movie after? how can that be, it's a rental?:confused:

    new beetle car 2012. 2012 VW Beetle
  • 2012 VW Beetle

  • Chundles
    Apr 3, 05:04 AM
    Recent files now show in the Dock menu of closed and open apps (not sure if this is new), clicking show recents shows them as tiles like as in DP1


    Spotlight has smaller icons and Google and Wikipedia (been mentioned), but now has dictionary meanings again and the pronunciation


    Directory Utility now has an editor which is like OS X Server's Workgroup Manager. presumably as Server will be included now.

    - can press ctrl+up again to close Mission Control, doesnt work with ctrl-down for Expos� app windows though
    - the Sites folder in home is gone (Apache and Web Sharing still there though)

    overall things just seem a little quicker, animations are smoother and getting less Dock, SystemUIServer & Finder crashes. still a few crashes and UI bugs around the place.

    If you scroll up over the icon of a closed app in the dock you see thumbnails of those recent files. Pretty cool.

    new beetle car 2012. new beetle pictures.
  • new beetle pictures.

  • goobot
    Apr 2, 09:13 PM
    so basically they are telling us the only difference is that it is faster lighter and thinner and we should buy a new one for that. O ya we got a back camera that is useless to 99% of us and a front for facetime which again almost no one uses.

    new beetle car 2012. Picture 2012 Volkswagen Beetle
  • Picture 2012 Volkswagen Beetle

  • ~Shard~
    Nov 23, 11:54 AM
    Yeah I was referring to the fact that it's in HD and some of the best music concert editing I have ever seen. Just amazing Emmy Award worthy editing.

    The last concert I saw across the pond was a YES concert in Genoa Italy in summer of 1972. :D

    Yep, I watched it myself last night as well - agreed, very cool. Cool about the YES concert as well. :) :cool:

    new beetle car 2012. volkswagen new beetle 2012
  • volkswagen new beetle 2012

  • chameleon81
    May 2, 04:33 PM
    you people like to discuss about everything.

    new beetle car 2012. VW Beetle (2010).
  • VW Beetle (2010).

  • NebulaClash
    Sep 14, 12:03 PM
    I think you are a minority of one on this interpretation.

    Then you should read the entire thread and see that you are wrong in this thought.

    new beetle car 2012. 2012 Volkswagen New Beetle
  • 2012 Volkswagen New Beetle

  • Chundles
    Aug 7, 05:21 AM
    Hahah bloody arrogant Australian.


    (kiwi)Thet's a but ruch.(/kiwi)

    A Kiwi calling us a bunch of sheep shaggers, aren't velcro gloves part of the New Zealand national dress?

    new beetle car 2012. 2012 Volkswagen Beetle
  • 2012 Volkswagen Beetle

  • gr8whtd0pe
    Jan 23, 12:25 AM
    They make racing and sport seats

    DUH. I knew it sounded familiar but I was thinking baby seats... I'm a tard lol.


    can anybody guess what year/model it is? :D

    Uhh deff early 90's/late 80's... I'm going to go with accord?

    new beetle car 2012. 2012 Volkswagen New Beetle
  • 2012 Volkswagen New Beetle

  • dethmaShine
    May 2, 04:42 PM
    It's not about being groundbreaking perse. It's about making the look & feel of the UI similar to iOS devices so that those who use are using iOS devices but switching to the Mac don't have a steep learning curve.

    Makes sense to me.

    But they could have made it much better, intuitive and easy. It doesn't mean that going from iOS to MacOSX, you are going to deal with the computers, the same old way.

    People are not pointing with fingers and now they have an extra real estate. A mouse has both right click and left click which in my opinion, every computer user knows about.

    For a second, forget that you have never seen iOS, but you want to delete the app from launchpad, the only way that comes to your mind is either:

    holding the app and dropping into trash OR
    right click -> delete

    It doesn't have to be the same, seriously.

    new beetle car 2012. Volkswagen Beetle 2012 Car
  • Volkswagen Beetle 2012 Car

  • stcanard
    Nov 30, 10:54 AM
    Microsoft owns nothing of Apple, just to make that clear, and of course they don't Apple to succeed... they want it to sink. :)

    The fact that M$ owns a portion of Apple is a myth, not true.

    There was a time that MS held some Apple stock, that's where it started (I think it was with the second coming of Jobs). They got rid of it some time ago, but that part wasn't as highly advertised.

    But MS doesn't want Apple to sink -- they want Apple to remain as a niche player, so they maintain a defence against monopoly claims

    new beetle car 2012. Volkswagen New Beetle 2012,
  • Volkswagen New Beetle 2012,

  • minnesotamacman
    Sep 1, 03:30 PM
    You know.... If you wanted to have a beautiful ACD 23" or 30" and hide the computer, there is a bracket that allows a Mac Mini to sit behind the display. I personally don't mind the all-in-one. I was against it, until I got an iMac 2 months ago and love it. So, wouldn't bother me to have the 23" imac... I would get AppleCare and be happy for 3 years.

    new beetle car 2012. 2012 Volkswagen New Beetle
  • 2012 Volkswagen New Beetle

  • chanamasala
    Apr 3, 09:21 AM
    IMHO, I dislike it. I don't like the guy's voice which sounds phony and overly-reverential. Once you call something you make magical it automatically sucks any magic it may have had out. And the ad is saccharine to me. I generally hate Apple ads but enjoy their products.

    new beetle car 2012. vw new beetle 2012 review
  • vw new beetle 2012 review

  • cube
    Mar 24, 03:43 PM
    Well then why the hell are you even chanting from the rooftops about how great Fusion is *supposedly* going to be when you KNOW that the chances of Apple using it are slim to none? It's like a kid nagging his parents for the ice cream that has a fancier logo and packaging when they know their parents aren't going to buy it for them because in reality it's all the same and will most likely taste worse then what they bought previously despite what their ads say.

    ATI has years developing graphics. Functionality wins over a supposed performance edge.

    new beetle car 2012. the new beetle car 2011.
  • the new beetle car 2011.

  • mrgreen4242
    Aug 29, 12:21 PM
    I know this is off topic. But you guys and gals have got to go download the new Bob Dylan Blues Music Video Ad for iTunes pre-selling his new album "Modern Times" (http://www.apple.com/ipod/ads/dylan/). It is incredible! :eek: :cool:

    Ya, that is off topic. WAY off topic. Why would you post that here? There's already threads started about this. Bah.

    new beetle car 2012. new beetle 2012 specs,
  • new beetle 2012 specs,

  • deadlystriker
    May 3, 12:26 AM
    Poor lion has to accommodate all these iOS features. I'll stay with snow leopard.

    new beetle car 2012. new beetle 2012 spy shots.
  • new beetle 2012 spy shots.

  • ddrueckhammer
    Jul 18, 09:48 AM
    This might get me to drop Netflix if it

    1. Is $3.99 or less for downloads (the cost of a new Blockbuster rental).
    2. Movies are at least DVD quality.
    3. Can be played via a Mac Mini or Airport Express AV hooked up to my TV.

    I would like to see bittorrent technology used to help cut the bandwidth costs for Apple and a queue system which automatically downloads the next movie in your queue and then deletes it at a specified time after you have played it. I will support this because if it works out then Apple will have the leverage to put $9.99 to keep movies on the store and I can still buy what I want for under $15 total after the rental.

    As for people not wanting to store large videos on their hard drives, it is the 21st century. I have 1/2 Terrabyte of storage in external hard drives. So do many others and that's alot of storage for DVD quality films. I just read an article the other day about some disk format that is being developed at Harvard that will hold 50Tb! Storage isn't an issue and I can see many people having media servers instead of DVD/CD collections in their homes in the future.

    new beetle car 2012. new beetle 2012 spy shots.
  • new beetle 2012 spy shots.

  • Carniphage
    Nov 30, 08:25 AM
    why not put a bluray in the itv?

    Why not put wheels on a boat?

    new beetle car 2012. 2012 Volkswagen New Beetle
  • 2012 Volkswagen New Beetle

  • Deathlok2001
    Mar 25, 07:40 PM
    Jesus! :eek: As Mac Addict use to say, freaking awesome! (does that mag still exist?) This just SOLD me on an iPad 2! :D

    new beetle car 2012. new beetle 2012 specs,
  • new beetle 2012 specs,

  • Apple OC
    Mar 19, 05:05 PM
    As I've said we need to finish existing world combat projects before starting new ones. Or is it like Bush/Cheney said, "who gives a damn about debt?"- just the average citizens who will lose their pensions, health care, I suppose...

    The US could have sat this one out and it would not affect your pension or your healthcare. The cost of this UN mission is spread among all 10 nations and the freezing of Gaddafi's assets.

    If the UN continued to ignore the people of Libya asking for the International community to step in ... Gaddafi would force the people to comply to him with deadly force.

    IMO this will be a quick victory for the UN and the Libyan people ... Gaddafi can go live with Mubarak.

    Aug 16, 10:47 AM
    Apple has apparently denied this rumour... unusual for them, but I reckon it's probably something they're working on

    The Register - Apple Wireless iPod Denial (http://www.reghardware.co.uk/2006/08/16/apple_denies_wireless_ipod_claim/)

    Apr 21, 12:02 PM
    It's not a terribly big concern for everybody I'll admit but for those it is a concern to, this is a sale killer for all of these little GPS enabled electronics. Their safety is worth waay more to them than some piddly little iToy or other GPS enabled microdevice. Even normal cell phones and credit cards allow for too much risk.

    Jul 14, 10:10 AM
    I also don't want microsoft handling my video codec, anybody remember the wonderous creation of WMV/WMA? The one that like none of us can use on macs? HD-DVD's codec is a derivation of the WMV-HD codec. Welcome to the Microsoft reality. They really like controlling proprietary codecs. Also...MPEG was created by a group of companies and people working together, Microsoft created WMV, so they've got almost complete say in how that plays out.
    MS is using the ATI H.264 codec for HD content on the XBox 360 HD-DVD drive, so they're not using their own crazy codecs.

    ATI Technologies today announced that Microsoft Corp. has chosen ATI's H.264 decoder for the Xbox 360 HD DVD player, bringing users sharper, more true-to-life visuals and smoother playback of high-definition content. HD DVDs encoded using one of three approved codecs deliver up to six times the resolution of traditional DVDs all on a single disc. Built on ATI's Avivo technology, the decoder used for the Xbox 360 HD DVD player brings to bear ATI's considerable multimedia know-how to ensure gamers, home theatre buffs, and casual viewers alike get a more perfect picture from the H.264 format.

    "The Xbox 360 gives consumers access to a world of high-definition games and video content through Xbox Live Marketplace. With the new Xbox 360 HD DVD player using ATI's decoder technology, we're giving consumers the choice to playback the latest in high-definition movies," said Todd Holmdahl, corporate vice president of Xbox 360 hardware development. "HD DVD brings new meaning to the term home theater. When people see the visual clarity and realism that Microsoft and ATI are delivering through the Xbox 360 this holiday, they will be blown away."

    To enable the smoothest H.264 video playback possible, the ATI decoder technology makes use of the Xbox 360's graphics processing unit (GPU) to accelerate video processing. The unified shader design of the GPU enables high-end processing techniques such as comb filtering and automatic gain control to ensure that video artifacts such as blockiness or color bands don't disrupt playback.

    "With the Xbox 360 HD DVD player, Microsoft and ATI are pushing the boundaries of high-definition multimedia content," said Rick Bergman, senior vice president and general manager, PC Business Unit, ATI. "The decoder technology used in the new drive provides high fidelity visuals unlike anything ever seen before. This is another example of the close cooperation between our two companies, and the commitment we both share to delivering the most immersive experience possible for audiences around the world."

    Jan 3, 05:16 PM
    Don't forget the possibility of a 12" MBP. I'm upgrading to a MBP in May, figured I might as well wait until after the release of Leopard, iLife 07, iWork 07 and so on. If a 12" model is available I'd gladly get it as long as it's not under par with current models like Apple did with the Powerbooks.

    Aug 6, 11:32 PM
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