KD: Yeah.
TK: Why?
KD: Because.
TK: Great answer.
KD: Chill.
TK: I don't even know why you asked me to help you if you're not going to say more than one word at a time. You're not Don Draper, Kevin.
KD: Jetskiing.
TK: You're going jetskiing?
KD: Indeed.
TK: When did you get a jetski?
KD: Today.
TK: Why?
KD: Dunno.
TK: Alright. Well try this on. It's a medium.
KD: Not funny man. This is way too big.
TK: That's why I'm laughing.
KD: Man, I don't know why I even asked you to help me.
TK: Me neither. Maybe you need to try a ladies size.
KD: I'm not going to wear a ladies wetsuit. I'm a man.
TK: But look how wide that is around the thighs.
TK: Okay, okay. I can't believe we even have these here. No one has bought one this small since Gilbert Arenas was planning his birthday party. Try this on.

KD: Yeah.
TK: You don't really have a jetski do you?
KD: Nah, man. I just like the look.