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Monday, May 16, 2011

queen elizabeth ii wedding day

queen elizabeth ii wedding day. queen elizabeth wedding day.
  • queen elizabeth wedding day.

  • csHokie
    May 3, 11:38 PM
    Uh, this comment is entirely wrong. With iOS, you can download something and move to another app and it will continue downloading in the background. The multitasking APIs have all the obvious backgrounding tasks covered and will likely include more if needed. Basically the goal is to allow background tasks when needed and when not needed let the app suspend and release resources to the apps you actually need. This method in iOS has proven to work far better than traditional operating systems like Mac OS X and Windows. That's why they are bringing it "Back to the Mac OS". The best parts of what they developed in iOS are being added in Lion.

    I think most people's problem is that they mistakenly viewed iOS as inferior in every way to Mac OS X but in many ways it is cutting edge and far better than OS X and Windows have ever been. The way iOS multitasking works is the reason very powerful and memory hungry apps like iMove and GarageBand for iPad work so surprisingly well on such a limited memory device. The apps get to use a much larger percentage of the CPU, GPU, and RAM than they do on traditional OSes under normal usage where you have multiple apps open.

    Yeah, it would work great for quick loading, full screen or minimized applications. I'm afraid it would fall apart most everywhere else... and they would have to have more background options than in iOS (can I listen on a socket for incoming connections in a daemon?). Anyway, I don't think they will get rid of the traditional <blank>top multitasking.

    Right now I have a bunch of tabs open in Safari on my Mac and it's consuming a little over 1GB of RAM and lots of CPU. If I switch to Photoshop, Safari is still going to be using up all that RAM and CPU I really need for Photoshop when I don't plan on using Safari again until later today. And I don't want to shut it down because I have a bunch things in these tabs that I want to get back to later today including partially typed forum replies, halfway read articles, etc. On the iPad, Safari would suspend and release the RAM and CPU to my currently used RAM/CPU hungry app. That's what they need to bring to Lion.

    Use Firefox and save tabs on exit...

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. queen elizabeth wedding day.
  • queen elizabeth wedding day.

  • kadajawi
    Sep 6, 02:38 PM
    I should add though, I'm glad there is an option in the mini line not to have a DVD writer, if it saves a few euros. I've had 3 Macs with them and have burnt a total of 2 DVDs, a complete waste of money.
    Oh well, I've burnt so many DVDs on my PC (have I?) that my writer seems to be at the end of its life. Ouch :(

    On a side note... at least with standard sized drives there is barely any price difference between combo and dvd writer... I guess Apple is really having a nice profit on the superdrives...

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. Queen Elizabeth II for her
  • Queen Elizabeth II for her

  • firewood
    Jun 22, 10:52 PM
    I'm confident that you will not see any computers running both Mac OS and iOS.

    I see one every day.

    Just run a UIKit app in the iPad Simulator (from the free Developer SDK) on your iMac. There's even 3rd party code that will allow you to use the multi-touch on your iPad to control your app in the Simulator on the iMac. And some apps can run 10X faster and have a bunch more memory available when running on the Simulator.

    I have a couple experimental apps that look and feel better this way than their Mac native versions.

    It's even possible for a developer to package compiled Simulator apps for other people to run on their Macs, but Apple hasn't made that process easy (yet!).

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. Queen Elizabeth II#39;s wedding
  • Queen Elizabeth II#39;s wedding

  • skunk
    Mar 21, 05:05 PM
    I think this would be conterproductive to the end result though.Oh, the Humanity!

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. 2011. Princess Margaret
  • 2011. Princess Margaret

  • lordonuthin
    Apr 14, 07:33 PM
    Hey twoodcc, when did you sneak past lyzardking, I totally missed it, congrats for making it to 3rd place! And you're at about 1200th place overall, won't be long before you get to 3 digits!

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. Queen Elizabeth II wearing The
  • Queen Elizabeth II wearing The

  • Multimedia
    Aug 31, 08:19 PM
    Let's hope that those specs aren't the final ones. That they're just to clear inventory.

    I'm hoping for Merom based mac minis.. Merom costs the same so why not ?LIMITED SUPPLY of Merom for the first few months. mini will be the last to get C2D probably in November. But you've gotta give kudos to Apple for adopting the Merom Spec Yonahs into the mini right away. This way the switch to Merom in mini can be almost silent with no disruption to the flow of minis to the market.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. and HRH Queen Elizabeth II
  • and HRH Queen Elizabeth II

  • Spoony
    Apr 26, 02:33 PM
    This has nothing to do with the current case.

    If you read below i said it had nothing to do with the current case but made me think of it.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. Queen Elizabeth II,
  • Queen Elizabeth II,

  • PowerFullMac
    Jan 12, 12:22 PM
    I agree, I think it will be called the "AirBook".

    And you feel so strongly about that you put it in your signature... :D

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. Queen Elizabeth II on her
  • Queen Elizabeth II on her

  • tonjik
    May 3, 09:48 AM
    I wonder if they are going to implement also the iOS "shake device to undo" feature :-)

    But seriously - I do not care of they implement also rightclick for the same functionality.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. Elizabeth II#39;s wedding day
  • Elizabeth II#39;s wedding day

  • kadajawi
    Sep 6, 10:13 AM
    The 24" iMac can be upgraded to a 7600GT video card. Anyone know how decent that is? What about the x1600?
    Somewhat decent, a bit faster than the 6600GT, less power consumption IIRC. Just look out for normal reviews in the PC territory, that should give you an idea. I think it would be a decent choice in a sub-$1000 computer... over that I'd be expecting something better. Still, the 6600GT which I have is pretty decent, can play most games at a good resolution and high quality settings.

    I'm going to buy the basic Mini... the size makes the difference, since it's going to be used at different locations (every few months in a different country ;) ). A superdrive would be nice, but not neccessary.

    Anyone knows if student discount and the "free printer" works with refurbs too?

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. Queen Elizabeth II received
  • Queen Elizabeth II received

  • paradox00
    May 2, 05:06 PM
    I like it, but right now there's 3 ways to install apps: App Store, download from internet and drag to applications folder, installer wizard (like MS Office). Also, the difference between the applications folder and LaunchPad will be confusing for most users. This whole thing needs to be unified. Either get rid of the Applications folder or get rid of LaunchPad.

    I think what you're looking for is Mac OSXI which will come after Lion. Lion is likely the (paid) beta test for merging iOS and OSX elements with the goal of creating a unified OS, but they still have to maintain the core features of OSX, even if they've become redundant. The next iteration will likely be a clean break and drop many redundant features.

    If Microsoft thinks they can make a desktop and tablet friendly version of Windows (Windows 8) I have no doubts that Apple can actually succeed on that front (and no, I don't think macs will ever be restricted to the mac app store only).

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. queen elizabeth 2 wedding day.
  • queen elizabeth 2 wedding day.

  • Ktulu
    Jan 1, 07:07 PM
    Thanks for the insight on the image everyone....You'd thinnk I would have just checked there first.:rolleyes:

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. of Queen Elizabeth II
  • of Queen Elizabeth II

  • swingerofbirch
    Sep 6, 11:30 PM
    I think fixed pricing for movie purchases would encourage better movie production. There are crappy movies that quickly become $7 on DVD after they are released. And there are ones that stay around $17-19.

    I have one sort of off topic question: has anyone ever bought a DVD at 7-11 or Eckerd for $24.99? Why would anyone do that? It makes me sad to think people might not know they are paying three times more than they have to. Maybe I'm just too jaded.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. Queen Elizabeth II, walks in
  • Queen Elizabeth II, walks in

  • mac17
    Dec 18, 10:45 PM
    guys i think you're being too hard on zune. play with one. it's not THAT bad. it's ugly, but the interface isn't bad at all. I don't plan on buying a zune (my ipod is fine and i'm waiting on a video pod), but it's good to have it in the marketplace for competition sake. maybe apple will actually pay attention to some of the features like the built in radio tuner which is a nobrainer...

    actually it is THAT bad i played with one in a local staples and i pressed the back/menu button like 3 times in a row suddenly the thing crashes on me it kept on blinking on and off 5 or 6 times me and my freind walked away laughing after catching it on video on my phone:D :D

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. Queen Elizabeth II made Prince
  • Queen Elizabeth II made Prince

  • 0010101
    Nov 28, 12:47 PM
    I think it's way to early to make any judgments regarding Zune sales. Let's see what the numbers look like after Christmas.

    5 years ago, Zune, in it's current form, might have been a hit.. but not in todays market. Especially considering folks who have lots of money tied up in MP3's aren't going to be real interested in throwing them away, and starting all over again.. or spend countless hours converting thousands of files.

    I don't find it ugly, but I sure don't care for the brown color. What I noticed most about the Zune is that it feels and looks cheap in person. Like what i'd expect a mockup or prototype unit to look and feel like. From a distance, it looks fine.. you get close up, and.. well.. not so nice.

    Almost like they rushed it to market in time for the '06 Holiday buying season.

    Apple has the portable MP3 player market locked up.. with models in all but the lowest price ranges.. and the Zune sure is no immediate threat.

    Comparisons of the Zune to the Xbox are not really fair.. they are two entirely different products.

    Microsoft (as well as Sony and Nintendo) can sell the unit itself for at or below their actual cost, because where they make the real money isn't in selling the game console, but in selling the games and accessories.

    With MP3 players, you have to make money on the product sale, because there is no guarantee the end user will buy all their music from your 'store'.

    Zune specs are subject to change.. as are most retail products. Don't forget that when the iPod was first introduced, it only worked with Macs.. then they made a Windows version.. then finally they made an iPod that worked with either computer.

    I expect a new version of the Zune by spring.. with new features, and less restriction.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. Queen Elizabeth has often
  • Queen Elizabeth has often

  • aurichie
    Apr 2, 07:13 PM
    My backlight bleeds

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. Queen Elizabeth II
  • Queen Elizabeth II

  • thegoldenmackid
    Jan 12, 05:47 PM
    MacBook Air
    (exclusive Specs)

    Has 0 Ports (just power)

    Connects to "new wireless device almost like airport express..which to that you can hook up...."

    dvd/cd burner
    usb ports for iPods/iPhones etc
    printers etc

    Has slim hard drive

    6-8hours battery

    this is crap,

    no one in their right mind would make something with 0 ports, you have to at a bare minimum have an audio out.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. Queen Elizabeth II
  • Queen Elizabeth II

  • BenRoethig
    Aug 29, 04:49 PM
    I media center like this would sell like crazy... small, simple and elegant. Just imagine how many switchers you would get at the same time.

    I don't know about switchers, but it should be a success in the home entertainment center/ media PC market.

    queen elizabeth ii wedding day. Queen Elizabeth has often
  • Queen Elizabeth has often

  • lorductape
    Jan 12, 10:20 AM
    Take a look at this:


    Personaly i think it's fake, because of the non-capital letter on the begining of the second sentence... but who knows it could be true the disposition of the this so called macbook air is quite original and not in the tradicional way laptop upside down opened a little...

    they got the font wrong.

    Heavy Fluid
    Nov 25, 06:17 PM
    Awesome, how much you pay for that?

    $400. Needs new rear pads and the brakes to be bled. Everything else is great. Has X7/X9 front/rear.

    Apr 19, 11:27 AM
    the 256gb drive is pushing it for my needs. A 320gb flash drive or better yet, a 500gb flash drive in one of these babies would have me drooling. If they can get the prices down is the big question. Might need another couple years for that to happen.

    256 should be perfect. If you need more space I'd say invest in a NAT or just external drive.

    I do a ton of iMovie editing of trips n such and with itunes + movies + TV show's i'm only pushing 150gb right now on my MBP.

    Apple OC
    Apr 23, 12:27 AM
    Sorry, I just don't buy it. Isolated examples dependent upon a very rare set of circumstances that the average user won't encounter. I *do* believe your experience, you're very well versed when it comes to tech and no doubt well-treavelled, but this is just too much of a stretch. Yes, it's possible. But it's also possible to gain the same information in much more common and easier ways, instead of the super-spy scenario. I'm not sure how your terrorist cell example applies to anything relevant (or dangerous) for the average, everyday person.

    I'm pretty sure your average FBI agent's iPhone (assuming they carry around iPhones) that has been cleared for use (and very likely modified) by the FBI can be stripped right down forensically and will have revealed absolutely nothing.

    The average user who is *not* a secret agent really has nothing to be in up in arms about, provided they haven't just knocked off a bank or killed someone.

    for all your defending of this feature ... can you give me even one positive reason this is good for the average person that out-weighs the negative ones ... just one

    Mar 31, 10:54 AM
    I hate the new iCal design... :(

    Aug 16, 01:16 PM
    This whole iPhone thing is really annoying me I was about to start a contract and get an LG chocolate but these rumors are putting me off if its not announced at the next apple meeting it'll be the luscious LG chocolate,

    In all honesty though I don't care for a iPhone I just want a true video iPod!!!
