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Monday, May 16, 2011

six flags magic mountain logo

six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain.
  • six flags magic mountain.

  • twoodcc
    Mar 18, 12:35 PM
    just started back up on team MR with my GTX 260 equipped PC(play) running 24/7. Don't trust my i5 iMac(work) enough to run it 24/7.

    edit: seems that im getting about 8k ppd between a E6750 OC @ 3.4 and GTX 260 Core 216. Normal or not?

    Already at 481st place too, this team needs a comeback!

    glad to have you back!

    well, are you just running the gpu, or are you running the smp client as well?

    six flags magic mountain logo. Six Flags Magic Mountain,
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain,

  • mrkramer
    Jan 13, 01:52 AM
    this is crap,

    no one in their right mind would make something with 0 ports, you have to at a bare minimum have an audio out.

    I agree that it probably won't have no ports, I think it will at least have 1 USB and 1 Firewire, but other than that everything could be done wirelessly, and if Apple wants to make the notebook thinner than the ports are then they may use their patent for collapsible ports that they made a while back.

    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain
  • six flags magic mountain

  • KnightWRX
    May 2, 06:13 PM
    Never said anything about cooperative multi-tasking.

    iOS is not cooperative multi-tasking. It's fully pre-emptive.

    I know it is, unfortunately, the userspace APIs don't allow 3rd party apps to profit from that. You can't just write code and hope the process scheduler will happily deal with you (as any modern, pre-emptive OS scheduler does). No matter what, your apps gets sent messages to suspend itself and the frameworks are built in a way that if you don't intercept these to "background" certain tasks using a certain limited API to do so, the defaults kick in and you get sent to oblivion.

    It's pre-emptive cooperative multi-tasking if you will. It's limiting. This is a "Truck" OS. I don't need limits on truck. If I wanted limits, I'd drive a car, to use the Steve analogy. ;)

    I'm talking about intelligent pre-emptive multitasking with API's that allow the Apps to make intelligent decisions removing the burden from users to "clean up" after apps they have launched but aren't using.

    Apps aren't intelligent (artificial intelligence ain't quite there yet). If I have apps open, there's a reason and I want them to stay open. I'm not CPU/memory limited enough to warrant dumping these to some kind of swap space and prevented from sitting in their idle loop, waiting on their input.

    Taking control away from the user is in the end dumbing down the experience. This is what most folks are afraid of with all these features.

    I'm talking about Apps that are, to the user, ALWAYS instantly available in exactly the same state that they left them in.

    They can only be instantly available if they stay resident in RAM. If they are swapped out, then they need to be swapped back in.

    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain logo.
  • six flags magic mountain logo.

  • JRM PowerPod
    Aug 7, 05:26 AM
    Mac Pro
    Mac Prostitute


    sounds a bit contentious to me

    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain logo.
  • six flags magic mountain logo.

  • Dicx
    Apr 12, 10:10 PM
    $299... but this isn't studio

    I am guessing it will be like iLife, buy the box with all, or purchase individual FCP in App store. Can't imagine FCS with all the media for Motion and LiveType being on the app store, approx. 32GB of data. Some people would blow a few months data cap on that.

    six flags magic mountain logo. Six Flags Magic Mountain?
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain?

  • danielwsmithee
    Nov 27, 02:57 PM
    Ding-Ding-Ding! You answered all of your above complaints and whining about Apple's prices. You aren't the target audience for their displays.While I agree with your thought process behind your post that Apple is targeting a different audience. That target audience is dwindling very quickly as Apple's prices increase in comparison to the rest of the market.

    six flags magic mountain logo. Discount Six Flags Magic
  • Discount Six Flags Magic

  • TheIguana
    Jul 18, 02:45 AM
    Thing is Steve Jobs is going to pull the usual trick (stupid contracts) and only release this to the American public. Rubbish if you ask me, we live in a world of more than one country. Which is why this sounds like another stupid pipe dream that the rest of the world will never get to enjoy *points at TV shows*.

    Iggy :rolleyes:

    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain logo.
  • six flags magic mountain logo.

  • Cat-toy
    Sep 21, 06:10 PM
    Would you say the dermaSHOT is better?
    Do you people know any good cheap(few bucks) TPU cases?

    Well after using both for at least two days each I would have to say the dermaSHOT is overall a better case. It has a much more substantial feel to it, and has some nice styling to it. I also got used to the kinda squishy top button. Only real downfall to this case is that I email Insipio to inquire about any new colors planned, and they told me only one more color is planned for the near future "gold" something

    The $1 case is not bad at all, pretty plane jane as far looks but I really like how the buttons feel. If you take your iPod in and out of you pocket often I would pick the dermaSHOT over the dollar case because my dollar case has a habit of falling off the sides of the iPod.

    I am prob going to get two more $1 cases just for the color choices, and use these cases for my plane flights. The dermaSHOT will be my EDC :)

    six flags magic mountain logo. -six-flags-magic-mountain-
  • -six-flags-magic-mountain-

  • tablo13
    Oct 6, 04:29 PM


    I thought the case was translucent.

    I received the ashopone case today. I ordered it on September 23. It was packaged in yellow bubbled envelope with the silicone case wrapped in a letter and ribbon thing. The purple color is nothing like in the description pic. :( it's an ugly color. It has the dusty feel and smell that silicone cases have. The fit is just good, but it is loose at bottom of the home button area and buttons are a little off but they work. Great for $1.

    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain logo.
  • six flags magic mountain logo.

  • satkin2
    May 3, 01:35 AM
    If this deletes the app and all associated preference files etc then it's a good thing. Sure it's not as easy as dragging to the trash, but this doesn't remove all traces of the app.

    As someone who's come over from the Windows world this has to be one of the few features that I think OS X is worse at. I shouldn't have to install a stand alone app (AppCleaner) to be sure that I'm removing the whole programme. If this new method does this then I can't see how this isn't a good thing.

    six flags magic mountain logo. Six Flags Magic Mountain -
  • Six Flags Magic Mountain -

  • kavika411
    Mar 21, 11:10 AM
    UN "No Fly Zone" Resolution: US will use Lybia as aerial target practice

    Late to the party. Not going to read all the posts. I guess my browser is broken, because I can't seem to find the cited resolution language expressly stating: "US will use Lybia as aerial target practice."

    I guess the alternative is that someone lacks the confidence to set forth a an objective, non-rhetorical thread title.

    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain logo.
  • six flags magic mountain logo.

  • Vantage Point
    Apr 27, 07:06 AM
    My title for my first job after Grad school in 1984 was Applications Engineer, my next job in 1987 was Applications Manager. Do you think I have a case against apple using a variation of my old title??? At any rate, I would happy settle of a them giving me the latest iPhone, iPad and a MBP of choice every two years for life ;)

    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain logo.
  • six flags magic mountain logo.

  • RITZFit
    Jan 6, 03:49 PM
    My teggy

    six flags magic mountain logo. SlamBang at Six Flags Magic
  • SlamBang at Six Flags Magic

  • razzmatazz
    Aug 6, 09:41 PM
    I became a hard core Mac user after Panther was released. I was wondering if Apple took stabs at Microsoft when they were introducing Panther. :confused:

    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain logo.
  • six flags magic mountain logo.

  • Corban987
    Apr 26, 11:56 PM
    When I think of app store I always think of apples application store. The icon for it advertised on TV or websites says appstore, I think Amazon and Windows are trying to use Apples success on this.

    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain.
  • six flags magic mountain.

    May 2, 04:22 PM
    Whatever happened to Command-Delete?

    ....this is starting to look like Aero in Windows Vista.

    See any similarities?



    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain rides
  • six flags magic mountain rides

  • Blakeco123
    Apr 12, 08:25 PM
    I really hope this update is as good as they say. If it is I'll switch from FCE to FCP

    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain logo.
  • six flags magic mountain logo.

  • roland.g
    Sep 1, 01:32 PM
    Has apple done this before? I'm not trying to make it sound like i'm rude, I really just dont know. I know that when the first MBP's came out they did that silent upgrade in power but I didnt think it was price.

    When they had 17" Lampshade G4 iMacs, the price came down one day without notice. I think they also dropped the price $100 on G5 iMac when they upped specs adding Airport (and maybe BT) standard. That was when they went $1,799 to $1,699.

    six flags magic mountain logo. six flags magic mountain
  • six flags magic mountain

  • BJB Productions
    Apr 12, 09:51 PM
    I wonder if they'll update the whole studio suite
    (yes, including DVD Studio Pro I hope)

    Here's hoping too. :)

    Nov 15, 05:43 PM
    Im really looking forwards to this, if the 8-core 2.66 Macpro its going to cost just a little more than a quad 3ghz Macpro, im going to be buying as soon as it hits the website...

    As a recent Mac switcher, coming straight in with a base spec macpro(4x2.66/4gb/1750gbHDD), im now happy to invest in a more powerful machine.

    My only concern is the heat... my current Macpro runs 24/7 and 95% of the time is at full load across all 4 cores... and its still silent with temps never going over 52c... will these quad core chips run much hotter, meaning the front fans have to spin faster/noisier to keep the machine cool?Maybe. If Apple goes from the 80 Watt 3GHz Woody to the 120 Watt 2.66GHz Clovertown then definitely. But if Apple chooses to only offer the 80 Watt 2.33GHz Dual Clovertown, then perhaps not and we'll all be happier campers. Or perhaps Apple has other cooling schemes in mind to keep a 2.66GHz set of Clovertowns quiet via other ways. Given that the Logic board stays the same, I'd rather buy the 2.33GHz version.

    Mar 24, 03:28 PM
    Can anyone explain the nVidia hate?

    I, for one, miss my old GeForce 8800.

    I have a Radeon HD 5770 now, and there are these little annoyances. For instance, when I run my bootcamp partition inside VMWare, the AMD driver software starts complaining. The GeForce didn't give a damn. Speaking of which, I had to install the .Net framework to install the AMD drivers. Kinda cheap. And every now and then I get a slight flicker in the screen. To be honest, I'm not sure if that's the Radeon, but I've never had it before.

    Don't get me wrong, the card is performing superbly overall. But the driver side still needs some polish. (And that's a complaint I've been hearing for ages!)
    The .Net framework is for the CCC (Catalyst Control Center). I am pretty sure you can still get the drivers and not dl the CCC.
    Why should you care about the IGP in your 2010 15" MBP? You have a discrete GPU(NVIDIA 330M) alongside it that it should automatically switch to while under heavy load.

    It isn't load based... It is API based. But you knew that...

    Jun 24, 07:47 AM

    the iMacPadPodPhoneMiniNano-S

    Jul 18, 03:16 AM
    List of things I don't want to hear one word about at the WWDC:

    iPod nano
    Mac mini

    The WWDC is now and always should be a professionally focussed conference. All technical, nerdy and Pro stuff - Mac Pro, MacBook Pro, Pro Apps, OS X development.

    All the other stuff can be updated in their own little events or quietly on the online store on or around the WWDC if needs be but the actual event should be totally professional stuff. That's why the developers pay the big bucks.

    Apr 12, 08:40 PM
    Also known as the guy who made FCP and Premiere originally.

    Also the guy who took a nice iMovie and made it unusable. I hope he doesn't fsck up FCP. Even iMovie had background rendering until he stripped it out.