Friday, May 30, 2008
Kobe Bryant Is The Closer

Thursday, May 29, 2008
CSI: Chicago

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Inside the Minnesota Timberwolves War Room

Lady Scout: Oh, yes sir, since last year's draft. Just like you said.
Man Scout: There's a bunch of really talented, athletic players available this year. Just what we need.
Kevin McHale: You two are some real pals. Let's have a looksy at our roster so far. Who's first?

Man Scout: Sebastian Telfair, sir.
Kevin McHale: Is that a real name? What's his deal?
Lady Scout: Ostensibly, he's a point guard. Kind of a disappointment.
Kevin McHale: Well we don't want any more of those. I like his hat though. Who else we got?

Lady Scout: Uh, you, sir.
Kevin McHale: Are you serious? Why would I want Antoine Walkman or whatever his name is? That's stupid.
Man Scout: You were pretty excited when he got here. He's got a championship, you said.
Kevin McHale: Well, championship experience is a plus.....anyways, who was that other big dude we had. Hal Jurgensen or something?
Lady Scout: Al Jefferson.
Kevin McHale: Sure, whatever. He's good right?

Kevin McHale: Why don't we just get another one of him?
Lady Scout: He's a bit undersized and that kills us defensively. Plus it'd be silly to have exact replicas.
Kevin McHale: But your buddy said he was good.
Lady Scout: He is.
Kevin McHale: Great. Tell me what players are exactly like him.

Kevin McHale: Kevin Love? From the Beach Boys?! I love the Beach Boys!
Lady Scout: No, he's a basketball player. His uncle was in the Beach Boys.
Kevin McHale: Close enough. How's his vertical?

Kevin McHale: JACKPOT!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Occasional Observations on Several Subjects
‘Twas a long weekend at Blowtorch base camp and I need to clear my brain of all thought basketball and non-basketball before I can go back to making jokes about basketball.
Glow in the Dark Tour:
Why wasn’t the order Rihanna, N.E.R.D., Lupe, Kanye? I think that’s what everyone wanted since we were in Chicago.
Lupe’s set was too short and he gave too much of his time up to his cronies who won’t do anything ever. He kind of seems like the guy who will do contrarian things just to be different. If he wasn’t such a good rapper, I’d probably hate him.
Pharrell wants to be a Rock Star (rather than a general superstar, which he is) so, so, so badly it’s funny. However, what he doesn’t realize is that drum solos are an assault to rock sensibilities everywhere. Furthermore, his subject matter is a hyper-sexualized update on 50s themes. Dancing, being “bad,” and going crazy are old hat.
I wonder if Common is sad that he is relegated to being a backup dancer for a glorified rock side project during his home city’s biggest hip-hop show of the year.
Chris Brown was FREAKING OUT when he was onstage with N.E.R.D. but didn’t appear during Rihanna’s “Cinderella.” Love on the rocks? Ain’t no big surprise.
Here’s a fun debate, worst dancer in hip-hop: Kanye, Lupe, or Pharrell?
It’s highly likely that Kanye fired someone after his mic didn’t turn on for the first four bars of “Homecoming.” Tough break.
According to the fiancée, Kanye was wearing some sort of jacket tied around his waist but it definitely looked like a skirt. I’m all for innovation but looking like a homosexual “California Love” extra isn’t a good look.
New part for “Hey Mama” gave me chills.
Friday, May 23, 2008
A Field Guide to Paul Pierce's Threatening Gestures
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Inner Thoughts with Tony Parker
But-a zen, sings, zey get-a vorse. Datta make Tonay ahngree. Tonay does-a not like loosing.
Oh vell. Tonay's got hees baguettes ahd hees camemberts. Maybe you want-a to sex-a hees wife? Go head, sex-a Tonay's vife! She bootyfull but Tonay too sad for ze sexing.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Muxtape Quiz, part 1

- I'm Glad I Hitched My Apple Wagon to Your Star - The Boy Least Likely To
- Frenchy, I'm Faking - Architecture in Helsinki
- The Underdog - Spoon
- Kick, Push - Lupe Fiasco
- Rich Kid Blues - the Raconteurs
- Long Slow Goodbye - Queens Of The Stone Age
- Of Angels and Angles - the Decemberists
- Business Time - Flight of the Conchords
- The Dirty Dirty - Tapes 'n Tapes
- Say Hello (To The Bad Guy) - Jay Z
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
My Hanes Commercial Script
Cuba is sitting in his trailer. He is digging through a set of drawers, desperately searching for something.
C’mon. They’ve got to be in here. Michael wouldn’t do this to me.
Cuba continues digging.
I NEED that comfort soft waistband!
Cuba reaches in his pocket and pulls out a rumpled pair of Hanes Comfort Soft boxers. Cuba then sprints out of his trailer to a nearby basketball court where Michael Jordan is shooting around with 4 scantily clad women.
Michael! I found your underwear! They were in my pocket the whole time!
(Michael gives Cuba a look of bewilderment.)
I took ‘em out of your laundry after the movie last night. You don’t mind if I hang on to ‘em, do you?
(Michael starts laughing while the girls grasp his chest and arms.)
(Cuba cries a single tear while considering the depths to which his career has fallen.)
Monday, May 19, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Just Keep Shooting, Just Keep Shooting
Thursday, May 15, 2008

- This is a lengthy conversation e-mailed to me by a future human-in-law. You really should read it as it discusses the effect that LeBron James has had on economies.
I tend to side with Human Two's point of view that even if there was no LeBron James, there would still be someone to fill his place as a marketing force. You can see that with the explosion of Chris Paul in these playoffs; he's clearly positioned himself as the next marketable star of the NBA. - I'll be liveblogging again over at Ball Don't Lie with Skeets and Matt Moore tonight. We've essentially become the internet's official Spurs-Hornets broadcasters. In all honesty, the BDL liveblogs that we (us three and Kelly Dwyer, usually) are doing are impeccable and have to be considered the internet's best. I'm proud to be a part of something so cool.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Late Game Thoughts with Hedo Turkoglu
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
1000 Words: OJ Mayo Keeps a Low Profile
For reals, I got a job. Deliver pizzas for Papa John's. Isht was crazy the other day, ya heard? Ain't no thing. Pick up the pizza, drive over in my Maybach, drop off the pizza then I'm outtie. I get to keep the tips too. It's straaaaaight.
Seriously though, can everybody see me?
Monday, May 12, 2008
Chris and Tony, Friends Forever
Chris Paul: Ummm, uh, thanks Tony.
Tony Parker: Yes, Crease, ees a so bootyfull. I-ah wanna oose ze floata too. Das okay, yes?
Chris Paul: Yeah. Right on. Whatever, man.
Tony Parker: Oh, Crease Paul. So genruss. So nice. BAGUETTE!
Chris Paul: .....
Tony Parker: You don't-a want-a baguette? You don't-a like-a baguette? Das alright, Tonay Parcare jussa stand-a like you, Crease Paul. I standa just like-a ze bootyfull Crease Paul. Too sexies!
Chris Paul: .....
Tony Parker: You wanta to sex-a my wife?
Friday, May 9, 2008
A Sideline Interview with Jonah Hill
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
I'll Still Watch
But the realm that LeBron fails in is the genesis of Events. It feels, to me, like you can understand everything you need to about LeBron through a highlights package. His glory is easily contained. You see, in any given game LeBron will do something special. Something so outstanding that you have to see it and, undoubtedly, you will. But in that same game, you’ll also get a lot of frustration. LeBron settling for jumpers, LeBron taking contested shots, LeBron complaining to referees. And even though this is largely due to the (terrible) system that he plays in, it still is a reality.
If LeBron does something big, if he throws down a 360 in traffic for instance, you will know about it. You’ll see it on SportsCenter, on Youtube. You will know that this happened and you will appreciate its majesty. If he has a terrible shooting night, you can bet that his highlights will be a subset of his missed shots. As I stated before, you will know what happened in LeBron’s game from this reel. Guys like Kobe and Nash though, they create Events.
When Nash was having his 20 assist games late last season, it was a joy to watch the whole game and see him find the angles and hit the cutters. Kobe’s 81 was otherworldly, as was his 50 point streak. Game 5 excepted, LeBron isn’t so much of an Event-maker as a moment-maker.
Now this isn’t to say that I don’t love watching LeBron play; I just think that the essence of his triumphs is more easily distilled than that of other superstars. And yes, I admit that my distaste for the Cavaliers likely plays a large part in my not needing to see LeBron to understand LeBron. (I can’t stand that team for a lot of reasons, which definitely makes me not feel bad about not watching them.) And maybe it’s that LeBron just doesn’t seem human and I don’t like seeing him doing mundane things that makes me choose other avenues. But, for me, LeBron is a magazine and others can be books.
And I love magazines.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Chris Paul vs. George Clooney

There you have it. Though Paul's abilities have skyrocketed him to the top of the NBA, he still cannot top the Legend of Clooney. The score may be 4-3, but it's not that close; Clooney easily dominates in the earnings and women categories, two things that are mighty important in both the entertainment and sporting realms.
Monday, May 5, 2008
Friday, May 2, 2008
1000 Words: People I Hear I Look Like