Top 50 Video Games of All-Time
Cheers to more top something of all-time lists! Seriously though this was a tough list to make. It also makes me think about all that time I wasted, but it wasn’t really wasted it was fun. I have had some great times with video games, and some bad. Like the time I punched my Game Gear after throwing yet another interception in Joe Montana’s Football and had to get the screen repaired. It’s frustrating video game moments like those that make winning the Super Bowl just that much sweeter.
I must say this list is more subjective than other lists that I have done. If you are reading this and you are thinking what about such ‘n’ such game, chances are I might have never played it. Also, I don’t play RPG’s. I think for the most part they aren’t fun, so don’t send me messages of hate because Zelda is not on here. Not to mention I never had a Sega Dreamcast, so I can’t really put a game on that system as one of my top games of all-time. One can only play the games on the systems were available to that particular person. So now you have been warned, and without further fluff from me here it is.
50. Scorched Earth (PC)
Simple tank game, but I played this game for hours and lot of it was at school. Dude….Sweeet….
49. Road Rash (N64)Hitting other people on their motorcycles with baseball bats has never been this much fun.
48. Major League Pro Baseball (Game Gear)Yes it’s true, I had a Game Gear, and the game I played non-stop was this great baseball game.
47. Dr. Mario (NES)Hours wasted tying to beat friends in this simple-stupid, yet unbelievably addicting game
46. The Simpson’s (Arcade)I love the Simpson’s, and I loved to pump quarters into this arcade.
45. Doom (PC)This was the first game I remember being legitimately freaked out while I playing, yet it was totally revolutionary and fun.

44. Sonic the Hedgehog (Sega Genesis)Not as good as Mario was, but Sega did have a good thing going with this game.
43. Major League Baseball featuring Ken Griffey Jr. (N64)Home run derbies galore, as well as the un-hittable knuckleball makes this game a real classic.
42. X-Men (Arcade)
One of the best hack’n’slash games of our time, with sweet mutant powers.
41. Monopoly (NES)
I know what your thinking, bored games as a top video game, but after playing this it makes the board game totally lame. Could be the greatest video game soundtrack of all-time.
40. Mega Man II (NES)
The variety and creativity of each boss-man one would have to beat made this a real standout.
39. Super Mario World (SNES)
Played this game recently and I totally suck. It got me thinking, was I ever good at this great game?
38. Mortal Kombat (Arcade)
Sure it pushed the limits of violence, but this really was a fun game.
37. Super Mario Bros. (NES)
Pretty much the game that started it all is still fun to this day and that is saying a lot considering all the technological improvements over the years.
36. Day of the Tentacle (PC)
An interesting game that one really had to think to solve the many puzzles. It was the first game I remember playing that was legitimately funny.
35. Oregon Trail II (PC)I pretty much went hunting the entire time, but even besides all the buffalo killing this game was educational and fun. I think I learned more playing this game than I did my entire senior year of high school, seriously.
34. Tony Hawk Pro Skater (PS1)This game made skateboarding cool again for an entire new generation. It’s too bad I can barley get on a skateboard without immediately falling, but I can rack up a 900 on this game.
33. Super Bomberman(SNES)Oh the fun that we had playing this great multiplayer game.

32. Orange Box (Half Life 2 and Portals) (Xbox 360)Half Life 2 is an amazing shooter that in my opinion has the greatest weapon in all of games, aka the gravity gun. Portals is a game that will totally blow your mind and it is absolutely hilarious.
31. NFL Blitz (Arcade)
Your never quite out of it in this extreme football game. Plus, I love hitting the other team after the play is dead.
30. Karaoke Revolution (PS2)
After making a fool out of myself so many times, how could I not put this game on the list.
29. Contra (NES)
The famous code to get 30 lives is only as good as the game you get the lives, and trust me your going to need it.
28. Tiger woods 2004 (PS2)
I love golf, but this game was amazing, and I believe this was my favorite year.
27. Grand Theft Auto III (PS2)
Totally inappropriate in almost everyway, but also ridiculously fun in almost everyway.
26. NBA Live 96 (PS1)
Love the NBA live series, but this was the year of cheap fouls and Cliff Robinson shooting the lights out at the 3-point line.
25. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out (NES)
I still can’t seem to beat soda-popinski back then and now, better yet Mike Tyson.
24. Sim City 2000 (PC)
One would think managing a city would be really boring, but this was one of the first games I remember that let you create your own world literally, however you wanted it to.
23. Worms Armageddon (PC)
Full of strategy and the right amount of luck made this game an absolute classic. Plus you get to name your own cute little worms, and attach different voices to them.
22. Rock Band (Xbox 360)
Anyone who ever wanted to be a rock star can now be one thanks to this game. Great songs and good times with friends is the recipe for a great game.
I'm actually not even playing, but I grabbed a broom and jamed out.
21. Burnout 3 (PS2)Burnout is the best car racing game of all-time. It rewards you for getting crazy with more burnout and that just makes you go even faster.
20. Civilization Revolution (Xbox 360)If any other turn-based game is this fun I would like to play it, because I don’t think it’s possible.

19. Halo 3 (Xbox 360)The first-player action is just okay, but the multiplayer possibilities are unmatched by any shooter game by far. You can even save your own sweet replays and share them with the rest of the world.
18. Super Mario Kart (SNES)
Do I even need to say why this game is so fun, everyone has played it and I don’t know anyone who didn’t like it.
17. NHL 95 (PC)
I played this game for about a year or two and I swear I probably averaged a game a day. I didn’t even really watch hockey, but this game was so fun I enjoy hockey now.
16. Super Mario 64 (N64)
The first true 3-D game I remember ever seeing, and it blew my mind. I wanted this game so bad I probably would have sold my soul to the devil just to play it.
15. Madden 2004 (PS2)It was hard to pick a year because they all are great, but this was a standout year. This is a great game year in and year out.
14. Turtles (Arcade)Now that I look back on this game I think it was designed to steal money from little kids and I was one of them, but I don’t care it was worth it.

13. Grand Theft Auto Vice City (PS2)Being bad has never felt so good. I know you’ve heard that on probably a million tag lines for crappy 80’s movies, but it is so true when it comes to this amazing game.
12. NBA Jam: Tournament Edition (Arcade)I remember when a buddy at school got this arcade in his house. We instantly became fast friends, wink, wink.

11 Twisted Metal 2 (PS1)Probably on the best co-op games ever. And man Calypso sure did screw everybody at the end of the game didn’t he?
10. Halo (Xbox)
The game that started it all. Awesome in everyway. It took me a while to get used to the game’s controls, but now I can’t even pick up the old games that don’t use it’s ‘legendary’ and brilliant control scheme.
9. Gears of War (Xbox 360)Brutally violent and totally satisfying. This game forced players to work on a team and actually talk with one another otherwise you would get screwed by those who worked together.
8. WCW vs NWO Revenge (N64)Oh the wrestlers and the fun we had playing this game. I cannot even watch WWF style wrestling now because it is so stupid, but because this game was made it made all the stupid WWF stuff worth it.

7. Double Dragon II (NES)I play this game a couple of times a month and I don’t mean back in the day I am talking about this year of 2008, crazy how good this game is.

6. Street Fighter II (Arcade)Best fighting game ever. Plus almost every character has a super cheap move that if you learn you can always dominate newbie’s like M Bysons slide kick, man that's freakin' cheap.
5. Super Mario Bros. 3 (NES)
This was Mario on steroids back in the day. I still think this is the best and funnest (yes that is a word now) Mario game of all-time.
4. Warcraft II (PC)
Oh the brilliance of this game. This game’s strategy was absolutely pure genius, not to mention it was unbelievably fun.
3. Mario Kart 64 (N64)
No more taking turns, now we can play with 4 players in probably the greatest multiplayer game ever made.
2. Goldeneye 007 (N64)
I already loved James Bond, and I liked shooting people, so this was naturally a nice fit for me in my life, but this game was simply amazing. It pretty much started multiplayer shooter games, and replaying the single player levels was still amazing.
1. Tecmo Super Bowl (NES)
The best game of all-time. I love football games, but this game was way ahead of its time. This game made playing for statistics even more important than winning. As long as my guys were ahead in all the major categories like QB passing yards then I was okay with a tough loss. The game play is perfect, not hard to pick up, but difficult to master. I still love and will forever play this game. Thank You Tecmo, thank you.