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Tuesday, June 21, 2005

In Praise of the Phat Phree

Imagine, if you will, that you have to work an 8 and 1/2 hour shift at a local hospital. Furthermore, imagine that you only have something to do when you get called. And continuing on, you only get called three times in these 8 and 1/2 hours to do something. After removing time spent on work and lunch, you have roughly 7 and 1/2 hours of paid nothingness. I know it sounds great, but that's my life every other Sunday. Needless to say, I need to have something to do during those 7ish hours. The only options are a nap, television, and the internet. Though these three things mirror the driving forces of my summer schedule, a man can only take so much internet before it feels like they've seen the whole thing --trust me. However, there is a remedy and its called the Phat Phree. The Phat Phree is a humor website that's essentially a mix between the Onion, Collegehumor, and Sports Pickle. Here are my top 3 articles that I read Sunday:
  1. Iron Mike's Real Legacy
  2. The Dry Spell : A True Love Story
  3. The 6 People in Gym Heaven
At the very least, click the links and read those stories, especially if you love Mike Tyson's Punchout for Nintendo. But if you were really brilliant, you would just go to the site and laugh consistently for at least an hour. Its up to you.