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Sunday, May 15, 2011

call of duty black ops zombies wallpaper ascension

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  • theBigD23
    May 2, 07:01 PM
    I feel the same way. I just want to delete an app that delete all of the junk that comes with it. Just moving it to e trash does not do that. Some programs have an uninstall and some don't. That's more confusing for people.

    This concept might seem alien to a lot of MacRumours users, but being a 'switcher', the method of deleting any app on OS X currently seems very ad hoc. I've been a mac user now for about 4 years and yet the idea of having to delete an app by dragging it to the trash seems very... strange. You never know if you've deleted ALL of that program.

    Microsoft have managed to get one thing right in Windows. A specific tool (Add/Remove Programs) to delete a program. That's something that I genuinely feel is lacking in OS X and this idea of clicking and holding in LaunchPad makes sense. It's imple enough: most users who own an iPhone will have no trouble in adopting this method. And what's more, it makes it instantly accessible to anyone who uses a mac. In addition, it goes a step further than Microsoft. It avoids making more novice users from having to delve in to a complex window of settings. A step in the right direction? I think so!

    So personally, I think this is a very simple yet very effective change to make to OS X and should be a welcome sign of the things to come in Lion!

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Aug 24, 09:22 PM
    If Apple's marketing of the Intel Macs is really in high gear then I would have to say seeing Core 2 Duo in highly likely for September.

    During the start of this week I tried to buy a new MacBook or MacBook Pro at Nextbyte computers in Sydney. The Apple guys there told me that all they had left in terms of MacBook and MacBook Pro stock was the floor stock (which I didn't want) they also said that they were expecting a "very big" shipment second to third week of September which is inline with the release of the Core 2 Duo.

    Personally I think we will see the Core 2 Duo in Macs as soon as Apple gets there hands on it

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  • pixelvandal
    Sep 6, 07:48 PM
    I can not believe how long it has taken me to finally bother to register here...And it has taken the release of an iMac to do it. I have never wanted an iMac, I've always been a 'pro' user - video editor, shake operator etc. I am still perfectly happy using my G5, plenty of grunt, and to be honest - wasn't really tempted to buy a MacPro, not for a little while anyway.
    Then Apple drops the 24" iMac & I'm suddenly thinking, OMG I wan't one of those, in fact i think I will 'retire' my G5 (to a render machine anyway)...then I start reading the same retarded posts about Apple not having a mid sized desktop machine, complaining that they want more hard drive bays, that they 'have' to buy an iMac as a AIO...
    For god sake's wake up & smell the roses...buy the iMac, stick your existing monitor on it & have twice the desktop...Apple will never release a mid-sized tower...
    Who really wants more internal drives anyway? I have no less than eight external firewire drives, I fill them up so quickly that I wouldn't want to have them internal anyway...so stop complaing and shell out for an external drive - they're much more flexible & with FW800 plenty speedy - even for HD capture.
    And do we honestly need to complain about the graphics card again??? Get over it the 7600 is a fine card, after all this is a 'consumer' workstation. If you really want to stick ten drives in your machine, six video cards, 4000Gb of ram - buy a MacPro - it's what they are built for!
    I realise that you can never satisfy everyone all the time, but as a loooonnnngggg time Apple user I can honestly say that Apple are providing us with plenty of options, realistically more than ever before.

    PS - please stop whinging about your MB & MBP in the iMac thread, I'm sure there's more appropriate venues...

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Nov 29, 06:59 AM
    This thing has a serious bug infestation : :eek:
    Zune Scene Tech Support : http://www.zunescene.com/forums/index.php?PHPSESSID=e68f9fffa988200ca99f9040d747224f&board=15.0

    I'll still waiting for the official "it has rootkit" article......

    Can't wait to see that :cool:

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  • solvs
    Jul 18, 02:01 AM
    Yeah, if it's $9.99 to rent, it's going to fail. $1.99, might be worth it. I'm sure a lot of people will be happy, then a lot of people will complain. Both with have good points, but the rest of us won't care.

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  • p0intblank
    Jul 19, 03:46 PM
    Impressive numbers! :D Intel Mac sales are actually higher than I thought they'd be. And of course, the iPod is the leader once again.

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  • mrgreen4242
    Aug 28, 10:19 AM
    Ah.... this speculation really brings back the memories of PowerPC rumors. Like when everyone was speculating if we see 3 Ghz G5's. I thought the feeling would be gone now we have intel (and its roadmaps), but debating on wether we might see a Core 2 Duo line-up soon brings the excitement right back. Hope this time the rumors do come true. This eventhough I am completely not in the market for a new Mac (neither was I for a 3 Ghz PowerMac :p)

    You got some serious ideas (http://spamreaper.org/frankie/wanted.html) frankie :cool: :)
    Yeah I also had that idea. Given the number of people that use the mini as server or multimedia center that will be nice (Microsoft is already planning for giving mini-screen support in vista, so it is a good idea). I actually though about this to turn the mini into a laptop. Thus some kind of battery+Screen+keyboard add-on. This would truly emphasize the phrase BYOMKM (Bring your own Monitor Keyboard and mouse). But then again; a laptop would be much easier.
    Yeah you are quite right. It is predominantly the size of 3.5" hard disk that will hardly even fit in the total casing.

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  • shawnce
    Aug 29, 09:45 AM
    Assuming the rumor is correct (really the core duo is just fine for such a machine at this point in time)... it may allow Apple to drop prices on the mini which not only makes it available to more potential switchers but makes a little more room in their product line up for a mini tower.

    A mini tower in the 1000-1600 dollar range would allow us to buy Macs for developers (as a second system often) and QA folks since they can run Windows, Linux and Mac OS X natively. It would allow the maximum flexibility to our teams and at a price point that matches with the Dell crap desktops systems we currently purchase.

    We would still of course purchase Mac Pros for the developers that need them the most (as a primary system) but a mini tower would easily double or triple what we would purchase.

    The Mac mini does work in the space but it is just a little underpowered on the IO and expansion front to be fully useful as a secondary developer system.

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  • cube
    Mar 24, 04:00 PM
    Intel has had years developing graphics as well. That statement by itself really doesn't say anything.

    Functionality wins over a supposed performance edge? Your whole argument is based on how Llano is supposedly going to be faster than Sandy Bridge. You have yet to state any OpenCL applications that you are using or plan on using in the future yet suddenly you need it NOW because you saw some AMD propaganda video on their YouTube channel. The fact of the matter is, Llano has a VERY slim chance of coming to Macs so it's high time you get over that video and just enjoy Sandy Bridge if you are only buying computers from Apple. If you really needed that extra power then you wouldn't be buying a machine with only an IGP to begin with.

    What history? Developing crappy integrated graphics?

    I missed writing "SMALL performance edge".

    My assessment is not based on a small performance edge. It is based on Fusion enabling a whole new set of functionality thanks to OpenCL and DirectX 11 class hardware.

    I established my preference BEFORE watching that video. That Sandy Bridge performs so poor in that demo just confirms my choice.

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  • titans1127
    Sep 28, 09:21 PM
    Does anyone know if the Belkin Grip Vue or Griffin Reveal will fit with a skin on the back such as a Zagg or Bodyguardz or Wrapsol(Original Matte)?

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  • Gasu E.
    Nov 28, 08:26 AM
    I find you the one that is incorrigible. The 23" inch price is competitive where it is as your link so eloquently points out. The Apple displays are easily worth a 15-20% mark-up. The problem is since the last time the display prices were updated 20" wide-screen panel prices have dropped nearly in half. So a year ago when Apple released this $699 price point it was a good price because competitors were selling the same panels at $599. Now they are at $399 and some times as low a $299. Apple's display is worth extra just not 75% to 100% extra.

    I see a lot of scientific analysis went into your response. "Not!"

    Go to many suppliers of equipment aimed at professionals, and you will often see professional-quality products priced at 3-5x that the price of consumer-quality products in the same functional category.

    I am guessing from your "easily worth a 15-20% mark-up" remark that your experience is limited to high-quality consumer products. Don't confuse a consumer upgrade with a professional alternative. Danny, "you're out of your element."

    I think a lot of people on this thread would like to see Apple offer some consumer-targeted alternatives to the current monitors, competitively priced. But that's not the same as buying pro equipment at a consumer price.

    call of duty black ops zombies wallpaper ascension. lack ops zombies ascension.
  • lack ops zombies ascension.

  • charlituna
    Apr 2, 09:42 PM
    I only talked to the guy for about one minute and was told that Apple was looking into this so I am guessing that more than 10 people have an issue.

    They look into everything for all new products, standard practice. That's why they encourage folks to return 'bad' units those first few weeks. They call it Early Field Failure Analysis

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  • BC2009
    Oct 24, 01:24 AM
    Ditto for me. I can't believe I waffled between 3GS, HTC Incredible, and iPhone 4. With 3GS 30% of my calls were dropped, with iPhone 4, 0%. Had it since July 5.

    And remarkably Consumer Reports recommended the 3GS. Which drops more calls just like other smart phones drop calls. What CR did was take advantage of the media hysteria and jumped on the bandwagon with a review that would put them in the spotlight. I would respect them much more if they did not recommend previous model iPhones that got worse reception.

    But their biased unprofessional review with the reviewer's little demonstration with the masking tape showed their bias and intent. They were simply out to take advantage of an opportunity to take wall street's favorite child down in order to get the spotlight.

    Where was the "non-recommendation" on the first review that rated the iPhone-4 as the best phone ever? That was when it was popular in the media to praise apple - before antenna-gate. CR came off on this one like a politician wavering with public opinion. I always expected CR to uncover issues with products, not simply ride the media public opinion wave or worse to publish fiction to sell their subscriptions.

    call of duty black ops zombies wallpaper ascension. lack ops zombies wallpaper
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  • TheOnlyJon
    Nov 27, 08:45 PM
    I cycle to work and school daily (except in the coming winter months) and I gotta tell you, cyclists who listen to music while they ride are clearly not very concerned for their own or anyone else's safety! No offense, but for your mother's sake, I hope she keeps the volume REALLY low, or doesn't use the iPod at all. It's rather dangerous, IMHO.

    She definitely tries to be safe about it and listens to her music at a low volume. It's more just to keep her mind off of the long ride. You're are totally right though - on my college campus, I see cyclists all the time who are completely oblivious to their surroundings, and have no regard whatsoever for traffic law.

    Edit: It should be mentioned, as well, that the majority of her ride is on a bike/running path along a river, and far from any roads.

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 6, 08:52 PM
    $19.99 for a downloaded movie, that's absolutely ridiculous. There is no way I would ever pay that much when I can go buy a new release DVD for $12-14.99. Amazon's service will fail, especially if Apple does indeed release a Movie Store.

    I'm not a fan of $14.99 either, but it's a little more reasonable.

    Of course all of this depends on the quality and if you can burn it.

    Six more days. :)
    Agree - $19.99 to $24.99 is the price for pristine 1080p Blu-ray discs at Fry's or Best Buy.

    Ever watched a YouTube video full-screen on a 40" Samsung 1920x1080 LCD television...

    If you have, did you manage to stick it out for the whole 30 seconds before stopping it?

    HD or DOA. Two options. (At that $19.99 price - for $3.99/movie I might do some VHS quality stuff for a plane trip.)

    call of duty black ops zombies wallpaper ascension. lack ops zombies ascension
  • lack ops zombies ascension

  • ezekielrage_99
    Nov 29, 06:59 AM
    This thing has a serious bug infestation : :eek:
    Zune Scene Tech Support : http://www.zunescene.com/forums/index.php?PHPSESSID=e68f9fffa988200ca99f9040d747224f&board=15.0

    I'll still waiting for the official "it has rootkit" article......

    Can't wait to see that :cool:

    call of duty black ops zombies wallpaper ascension. call of duty black ops zombies
  • call of duty black ops zombies

  • Josias
    Aug 25, 12:11 PM
    I remember the rumors of iPod docks in the Mini before the last Mini release (February 28th). I though they were pretty ridicolous.:p

    Anway's, a chance of X3000 now? That would rock!;)

    call of duty black ops zombies wallpaper ascension. lack ops zombies ascension
  • lack ops zombies ascension

  • Jimmy Guphanti
    Apr 21, 01:26 PM
    Not expecting a huge update here other than Sandy Bridge, Thunderbolt, and 6XXX series AMD graphics.

    Will the higher end models having the chance of 6XXX cards, will the lower end models, the $1199 and the $1499 have better graphics like 5XXX with 1GB GDDR5 or do you all think that they will stay the same? I say that the refresh will happen on either May 3 or May 10. If it does not happen on either of these days, it will happen at WWDC.

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  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 2, 06:25 PM
    the last few generations of the jetta have been absolute rubbish ... i hoping this new generation is actually better

    I started a thread about the new Passat and Jetta a little while back. Basically, the new Jetta is bigger, costs less, and uses cheaper materials. People expecting Golf-like levels of refinement and build quality will be disappointed.

    Nov 25, 02:54 PM

    This for myself

    I preordered that from Amazon some time ago and it hasn't turned up yet :(

    Edit: It's here! :D (I should've complained sooner since that's clearly what did it...)

    Sep 1, 01:39 PM
    wouldn't swapping a conroe chip in be an option? just go to Fry's and buy the chip then.
    No, the Conroe and Merom are not, as they call it, pin-compatible. The Yonah and Merom are, by the way. So yeah, it makes sense for Apple to go with the Merom, but that doesn't mean I like it one bit.

    EDIT: Sorry, roland.g, you beat me to it.

    Nov 15, 11:23 AM
    How can this get negative votes? In fact, how do a lot of perfectly benign threads get negative votes? Are there just members out there who vote negative on everything?It could be the fact that the 8-core Mac Pro butchered the iTunes encoding and Quake 4 test? I'm shocked myself that Mac Pro tied for the lowest score in the iTunes test.

    Sky Blue
    Jan 1, 06:58 PM
    The only console that's actually moving at the moment is the Wii, and the low power of the thing means it might only have a year of marketability in it.


    i'm hoping really surprising...


    This year better be good!

    Nov 26, 08:48 PM
    Just got done framing (: took me a minute too.
