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Monday, May 16, 2011

magic kingdom castle wallpaper

magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle cake.
  • magic kingdom castle cake.

  • petteri
    Aug 16, 02:22 PM
    Well what would this:


    look like if Apple got together with Sirius?

    More info on this unit here:


    I think a Apple +Sirius or XM deal makes a whole lot of sense. The satellite chipsets and power requirements are getting closer to what would work in an iPod. I don't think Sirius is quite there yet. XM I think so, but I don't think XM is actively looking into a partnership with Apple. Sirius has stated that there have been talks, but nothing of substance yet.

    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle logo.
  • magic kingdom castle logo.

  • vvv
    Nov 28, 07:29 PM
    I know someone brought it up earlier, but XBOX people, XBOX. When the XBOX first came out, people said it was too big, that they didn't know what they were doing, that they would fail, and it had a pretty, ok very rocky start. And now the XBOX 360 looks like it may very well dominate this generation.....

    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle logo.
  • magic kingdom castle logo.

  • FireStar
    Oct 22, 01:17 PM
    Huh? iPhone 4 cases are all over the place.
    I think he means iPod Touch 4G.....

    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. When the sun sets, the castle
  • When the sun sets, the castle

  • P-Worm
    Nov 15, 08:01 AM
    They say that the changes in speed aren't going to effect most people because the programs aren't written for multiple cores. Do you think that we are going to see more consumer apps optimized for multiple processors, or do you think that it just isn't needed?


    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle logo.
  • magic kingdom castle logo.

  • DeSnousa
    Apr 16, 11:24 PM
    We need a 6 digit thread :p

    I have in 2 weeks folded what took me nearly a year to do on my iBook G4. I should be at 100k soon which is very exciting for me. Who else is trying to achieve a 6 digit score :cool:

    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle logo.
  • magic kingdom castle logo.

  • amac4me
    Aug 29, 09:26 AM
    Without the Core 2 Duo, this would be a dissapointment.:mad:

    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle logo.
  • magic kingdom castle logo.

  • emotion
    Aug 16, 09:30 AM
    as i have said in a previous thread there was a big article a few months ago that discussed the idea of homes having 'media servers' and you stream your music from home to the ipod instead of having it all stored locally.

    Good point. A little like airtunes. This would require maybe just flash storage on the device as the main storage is on the server.

    For those saying the download functions could be via an iphone....well from a UK perspective i hope not becasue currently the UK mobile networks charge a fortune for GPRS data transfer that to be honest would not make it at all viable to use that service unless apple has cut a deal with them but i very much doubt that.

    We need flat data rates on mobiles in the UK. It will happen (esp. if they want people to embrace 3g that they spent all the money on), it's just when.

    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. disney magic kingdom logo.
  • disney magic kingdom logo.

  • Earendil
    Nov 28, 10:32 AM
    Well, you just made my point better than me. Of the millions of Macs sold, how many are to customers needing correct color and really care about the finer details of the monitor's specs?
    I have both the Dell and the Apple cinema display 20".
    But who cares? A very small percentage of Apple's market cares or could even tell the difference.

    And that percentage shoots up when you take into account only the Pro style Towers. And it's a shame your Cinema display is showing age sooner than I would think it should. Still, in my own experience with color reproduction and accuracy in Photography, the cinema displays I have used have exceeded my Dell 2005. In regular computer use I wouldn't be able to tell them apart (aside from the back light bleed on the Dell).

    If Apple has been all about getting "switchers" and trying to persuade Windows users that Apple and OS X is better, than why is Apple ignoring that market with their monitor offering? You said so yourself, these are "PRO" monitors. Because they want you to buy iMacs. That's an extremely limited choice if you ask me. Oh, I can hear the fan boys now, screw you if you don't care about color seperation and the finer details of image quality. Go buy your $hi+ dell and get off of this board.

    Do you see any fan boys making posts here? I see some people here that are ignorant of the way monitors work and yet are trying to pass opinions on Apple/Dell/LCD market as gold though.

    That's the issue though, currently Apple doesn't sell a consumer computer that either doesn't already come with a monitor, or where you aren't supposed to already have a monitor.
    the MacBook and iMac both have screens built in, the MacMini, if you saw any of it's advertisements or presentation, is meant as a direct replacement for a PC box. i.e. bring your own mouse, keyboard and monitor. I as well as another guy have already said this though.

    It's a problem, still, I want too want Apple to sell a consumer level monitor. But Apple certainly doesn't have to enter that market if they don't want to. Besides, the market for a cheap 17" monitor is TINY. You're talking Mini owners (who don't already have a monitor) maybe a few laptop owners, and...? G5 owners? If you're plugin a $150 LCD up to a G5 you should be shot :P Unless you are running three at once or something.

    Apple sells a consumer mini, but not a consumer monitor? Why not? You all are hammering away at the professional quality of this monitor. But I have both the Dell and the Apple and they look about the same to me. Actually, before Apple updated their monitors the 20" looked terrible next to the Dell. (I have both generations) And are the "Pros" who need that color perfection buying 20" monitors? Probably not. 23" and 30" would be my guess. So why have a high priced 20" display?

    Many professionals run Duel 20" screens. In fact I see this setup far more often that a 30" screen.

    So all this hupla about color correction is making my point. Apple wants you to buy an iMac and they keep their monitors price high and limit their computer offerings to give you the incentive to buy one.

    wow wow wow. You just me on that logic jump. Apple sells some high end systems to Professions in industry that demand at least a certain standard. Apple also sells other computers. Apple Sells monitors that are aiming at (hitting is another matter) those professionals that demand a certain standard. Apple doesn't currently sell any other monitors. How is that proof that Apple is trying to personally screw you out of your cash?

    Since that's all they sell they are making a good profit off of them. Don't get me wrong, they are nice computers, beautiful even, but what if I wan't something more flexable? Maybe a little more expandible. My choice is a $600 mini (not too flexable or expandable) or a $2400 Mac Pro. Big Difference. Oh, that $1499 price spot fits nicely with an iMac however. See my point?

    Yeah, there is a gap, and I do see it as a problem. No one in the entire thread is disagreeing with that. You ideas on why there is a gap is viewed a little bit more negative than I would, but whatever.

    If they lower the price of the 20" any more it will cut into their sales of 20" iMacs. And that is why it's hovering close to $700 and not $200 or $300 cheaper.

    Another huge jump in logic based on no facts and stretched assumptions. Do you know what Apple takes home at the end of the day from each monitor sale, each iMac sale, and each Mini sale? Can you provide that data to back up any of your conclusions? It sure would go a long way in getting anyone to side with you on that point. However, until you do, I'm going to say this one more time:
    Cinema Display = Pro quality Display (I don't give a hoot if your eyes can't see it, the components alone show it, and that is what cost money to make not your eye sight)
    Pro Quality = not cheap, don't go looking for a $200 monitor for pro work.

    And for the last time, I'm still waiting for someone to show me a display that matches the Cinemas tech specs and qualifications and also cost downwards in the $400 range that people keep speaking about. Because until someone does, I'm inclined to believe, based on my own looking, that Apple is right with the industry on this one (or close) and all our whining on cost means jack.

    So, comfort yourself all you want that you have a "pro" quality monitor. If that makes you feel better parting with $300 then go for it.

    In light of that little sarcastc jab, the irony is that you are one of, if not the only user, to have admitted to owning a 20" Cinema display in this thread so far :rolleyes:

    [quote]I doubt you could tell the differnce with both monitors sitting side by side. I have both and I can't realy see a $200 - $300 price justification, at least at the low end. Oh, I'm just a poor consumer, not a "pro", so I should go buy my crappy Dell and be happy. Right?

    I'll just quote myself on this one...
    [QUOTE=Earendil]You seem to be coming at me as if I stand on some high ground, when in fact I own (as stated in my signature) a 20" wide Dell monitor
    So just trust me when I say that the difference in my Photographs, and Photo editing on my Dell vs an Apple monitor is different, and a noticeable difference not just in color, but in back lighting and change in color based on viewing angle. When I'm surfing the web I don't notice/care, or playing games, or just about anything else. And since I don't make money on my photos, or do too much printing, I went with the Dell because the price/benefits ratio did not justify the Apple monitor. I wish Apple had provided a consumer level monitor for me to buy, it would go far better with my Powerbook, but they didn't. I'm not going to discount their current line up just because I can't afford it, and I don't think you should discount it just because you don't understand it technically.

    But if you had been following the thread you'd know that about me already...

    But if Apple really want's to get people to switch in larger numbers they need to offer a little more choice at a competitive price. A nice quality 20" monitor competitvly priced to go with that mini or a mid-range tower. I'm asking Apple to drop their price on their monitors $200 and offer a $1200 - $1500 tower. Is that asking too much?

    No, you are asking for two very different things here.
    1. You are asking Apple to produce a consumer level monitor that you can afford and falls in line with the market. I think everyone agrees with this idea, whether there is a large enough market for Apple to justify it (only Aple costumers would consider them) is up for debate.
    2. You are asking Apple to drop the price on their Pro displays without giving a reason (all your reasons apply to a consumer LCD), nor have you provided a similarly speced display to show that Apple is out of line with it's pricing.

    There are large difference between a Mini and a G5. Just because most people wouldn't notice it doesn't mean it isn't there. Just relax and trust me that in two properly functioning displays, Apple's monitors are very good, and imho should never be compared to Apple's displays unless you are trying to convince a consumer (who can't tell the difference) not to buy it and buy an alternative display. I have done this before. Just like you'd never compare a Mini and a G5 unless grandma was thinking about buying a G5 to surf the web with...


    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle at night.
  • magic kingdom castle at night.

  • GFLPraxis
    Aug 29, 01:53 PM
    Yonah doesn't make a whole lot of sense. Merom is pin-compatible and costs exactly the same amount. Besides, it would be a PR boost for Apple to have the entire lineup 64-bit and "Leopard ready". The Mac Mini is going to use the 5000 series Meroms and the iMac is going to use the 7000s.

    Except now that Merom is out, Intel will be dropping the price on Yonah soon. Which will make Yonah cheaper.

    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle.
  • magic kingdom castle.

  • killmoms
    Nov 29, 01:50 PM
    This is completely useless. An analyst thinks the iTV will have an additional feature? Fantastic. Like what, specifically?

    You know, I suspect the next version of the iPod will also feature something different or new. Just a hunch, though. Nothing solid to back that up yet.

    Safe bet.

    But piecewise, I thought the key to financial succes was not to innovate, but to talk up a full-featured product at the beginning and then remove features until it's a bland, unappealing paste! After all, that's what Microsoft did with Vista! ;)

    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle cartoon.
  • magic kingdom castle cartoon.

  • twoodcc
    Oct 14, 07:14 AM
    Thanks! I'll try it on my work computer, its a quad.

    you can try it. but really the only quad machines that have been making the deadline is the core i7s. what kind of machine do you have at work?

    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle cartoon.
  • magic kingdom castle cartoon.

  • elmo151
    Sep 18, 10:38 AM
    CR often solves the wrong problems. Its rarely disclosed criteria are often off the mark.
    did they compare the iPhone to the competition?

    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle florida.
  • magic kingdom castle florida.

  • skinniezinho
    Nov 27, 07:38 AM
    Where did you buy that watch and for how much? I really like it :o

    I bought it on a friend's store@45eur but it is available @50eur on almost every watch store.
    Check it here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtSP6Qj8PDk).

    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle cartoon.
  • magic kingdom castle cartoon.

  • Hairball
    Apr 2, 07:45 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Mobile/8G4)

    This is simply an amazing ad.

    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle logo.
  • magic kingdom castle logo.

  • alfagta
    Apr 1, 01:04 PM
    Don't know if anyone mentioned this, but System Profiler has been given a complete overhaul, including detailed-USB hdd details and a refined GUI

    About this Mac or System Profiler? Refreshed About this Mac was already present in DP1. Post some screenshots.

    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle cartoon.
  • magic kingdom castle cartoon.

  • vand0576
    Sep 1, 01:46 PM
    One more thing... they'll change the name from iMac to Mac, bringing a perfect symmetry to their product line-up:

    Mac Pro

    MacBook Pro

    symmetry, shmimmetry.

    I liked things better when the names were all over the board and unique.

    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle cake.
  • magic kingdom castle cake.

  • appleguy123
    Mar 19, 04:57 PM
    They could at least make the app more interesting.
    How about a social feature that allows you to see other 'ex-homosexuals' in your area? :D

    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle
  • magic kingdom castle

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 26, 02:51 PM
    Trademark status of "app store"

    The government's site on trademarks lists the status as:

    "Current Status: An opposition after publication is pending at the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board. For further information, see TTABVUE on the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board web page. "

    It was approved for use by apple:
    "2010-07-07 - Opposition instituted for Proceeding

    2010-02-04 - Extension Of Time To Oppose Received

    2010-01-05 - Notice Of Publication E-Mailed

    2010-01-05 - Published for opposition

    2009-12-02 - Law Office Publication Review Completed

    2009-12-01 - Approved for Pub - Principal Register (Initial exam)

    2009-12-01 - Amendment to Use approved

    2009-11-21 - Amendment To Use Processing Complete"

    I believe Apple's ability to sue is based on the approval to use the TM even though the final trademark has not been fully granted.


    I remember stories claiming "tentative approval" of the app store back in early 2011. But the application history (some of which I posted above) does not have any items in 2011. Perhaps our legal experts can explain the source of these stories claiming "tentative approval early this year". Is that just a delay between legal filings and public announcements?

    magic kingdom castle wallpaper. magic kingdom castle.
  • magic kingdom castle.

  • shanmui1
    Aug 25, 03:55 AM
    Sheesh! Do we really have to wait 'til May before we can buy any more Mac minis? This smacks of serious mis-management!! :eek:

    i think this is what they r talking about?


    Oct 23, 09:34 AM

    That no longer exists. Go to the mbp page and click the core duo icon, and I get a page not found.

    This will probably change by the time anyone verifies it. :rolleyes:

    This is getting very annoying!!!

    It is old news, the page its supposed to link to http://www.apple.com/macbookpro/intel.html

    Sep 6, 07:40 PM
    ::::Queue the dream sequence/back in time music:::::::

    Remember several months ago when there were rumors circulating about an app that would trump Final Cut Studio? It was supposed to make FCS the "mid-range" suite. So, it would be iLife, FCS, and the new killer app. I remember the rumors mentioning something about it being a sort of "all in one" app. Final Cut, Motion, and Soundtrack all in one.....something like that. Anyways, we will definitely see new iPods, though it will only be a storage bump, and yes, I see Disney movies kids, but that's it for the downloadable movies.

    What else might be introduced is anyone else's guess. Rarely have these types of events been used for "pro" stuff, but...hey, who can predict what Steve will do.

    Aug 7, 01:28 AM
    It will be interesting to see what tomorrow brings. A couple of notes:

    I don't care that the ipod isn't on the icons, you know, its a developer banner. Most of those items are developer related, not all, but most, in one way or another. What is more interesting is they didnt show the front of the powermac....but that doesn't mean anything. Everything they show on that banner is publically released. There needs to be visuals when people first come in that aren't covered in black cloth! So don't read anything into that, they could completely change the design.

    Its doubful much of the hanging banners will be OS X 10.5 related unless their is a huge feature. They are already taking up a considerable amount of hanging space for bragging rights. I would expect new hardware to be hidden under those displays, atleast two of them.... MacPro and Xserve. Possibly something unexpected. Maybe Xcode 3 or something will be heavily promoted.

    I know I personally would love better SOAP integration with XCode. We use .NET at work all the time to write web services, and we end up using .NET clients running under parallels on our macs, because keeping the SOAP proxy stub code up-to-date is automatic with .NET....you have to go thru hell with Xcode. I think Apple will fill that gap with the new xcode (there were command line tools in the latest version).

    Obviously we will have the resolution independance in OS X 10.5. Probably some new security and new workgroup/networking enhancements. We probably can all agree one would be networked spotlight, if you are running 10.5 servers, the clients will ask the server to search its spotlight data for the same data the client is searching for, and give a combined response.....its the one thing of OS X Tiger I hated, the inability to search the network with the same ease.

    I'd probably also expect desktop widgets from dashboard....why? Why not, people have used hacks to do it, plus MS has it as an option in Vista.

    We'll probably see Apple rolling in features that Vista has, such as combined videos and photos in slideshows. Not that its nessecary, but its damn easy with Cocoa to do such things and why get left behind? Don't let microsoft take a win.

    We may also see a system wide Software Update now, which would really be nice. Letting 3rd party developers update their software with the same system.

    My employees here at the office really don't care for apple's Mail program, I'd expect some updates to give it the features its been lacking. Same with address book. Of course, these have been rumored for a long time...and for good reason, its needed. Maybe expect a new mail/scheduling server like Exchange, Apple's been rumored to be working on one.

    I'd also expect major updates to iChat.... probably MSN and Yahoo support, as well as VoIP.

    but none of those things I've said are that huge........so I'm hoping for some really major surprises :)

    Aug 7, 07:53 AM
    Huh....so VM Ware finally got their act together; and its only pre-register for a future upcoming beta.

    ....you know, I'd have to say they dropped the ball on this one.
    parallels not only did the public beta first, they released a final product a full month before VMWare announced beta.....and is in the Apple Store, office depot, staples.... heck, its even in Apple's TV commercials.....

    VMWare might use to have had a good edge, but I think they lose out on the Mac oppurtunity.....

    Nov 24, 07:29 PM
    Asics Gel Enduro -6


    Asics Tiger Gel -Acclaim


    Bungees for my truck


    New Adidas jacket (minus the Notre Dame logo)
