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Sunday, May 8, 2011

PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s

PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Osama Bin Laden 39 s Death.
  • Osama Bin Laden 39 s Death.

  • C N Reilly
    Mar 18, 12:59 PM
    I'm not worried about this. There's only two possibilities:

    1) AT&T is just assuming anyone who uses more than X amount of data must be tethering, and shooting out threats. In such a case, all you have to do is call them and tell them you stream a radio station all day. They take you off the "evil tetherer" list; end of problem. (I've already seen two people post elsewhere that this has worked for them.)

    2) There actually is something in the software/firmware that's enabling AT&T to tell who's tethering. In this case, the jailbreakers will just add some code to the next release to block or fool that bit of code. End of problem.

    All signs thus far point to (1) being the truth, btw.

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Osama Bin Laden 39 s Hideout.
  • Osama Bin Laden 39 s Hideout.

  • HiRez
    Sep 12, 04:26 PM
    I'd like nothing better than to be able to dump Comcast completely, but without the ability to watch live sports, it's a no-go. If they start streaming games for a couple bucks, I'd definitely take a look at it.

    -- Any regular-season game from any sport = $1.99

    -- Any playoff game from any sport = $2.99

    -- NFL season pass (1 team, 16 games) = $30

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Osama Bin Laden 39 s compound.
  • Osama Bin Laden 39 s compound.

  • valkraider
    Apr 28, 10:39 AM
    most people are not going to throw down a grand for a computer for the kids to take to school.

    My child's school is part of the USA "laptop schools" program and every child from 5th grade through graduation is required to have a laptop. The only three they are allowed to choose from (currently) are PCs and cost $1099, $1649, and $2029.

    I looked at the specs and all three models are similarly priced as equivalent Mac laptops (actually the $1099 PC laptop is less well equipped than the similar Mac laptop).

    We are not allowed to buy them Macs. (It is something that angers me quite a bit, that they require us to buy the equipment but won't let us buy what we want - in my opinion if they want specific equipment, they should buy it - since I am paying the $$$ I should be able to buy what system I want as long as it meets certain requirements).

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Osama Bin Laden 39 s death is.
  • Osama Bin Laden 39 s death is.

  • pdjudd
    Oct 8, 09:19 AM
    ...but who has the market share?

    In smart phones? I believe Nokia and RIM are the big ones - and they are both vendors that have a high degree of control over the software and hardware. On the desktop market it clearly is MS, but it's not really accurate to say that they got that way due to availability on every hardware system under the sun. Microsoft's successes are due to bulding up from prior successes. No surprise their biggest success was practically given to them by a bone headed decision by IBM.

    RIM is one proof that you can get tons of market share even when you control the whole widget to a high degree. The second component is having enough SKU's to accommodate different needs. Of course it can become very unwieldy very quickly.

    Google's biggest problem is avoiding the pitfalls that Microsoft fell into - trying to have a product that does everything in a market that tends to have difficulty in making choices. Either you get it right and maintain it with a focused plan, or you just release a new product every few months and see if it sticks somewhere.

    We cannot say that Google will succeed with this strategy simply because we have a hard time predicting how it will happen - there are too many players vigorously competing. We don;t have an situation like the desktop market where an IBM mentality of thinking can just hand over the market to Google. Just because you attach "Google" and "Open" to something doesn't mean that it's going to succeed. And even if it does, succeed, it could be for a different reason altogether.

    If I was a gambling person, I would say that ranking isn't going to be the factor to look at since all the contenders are going to be really close to each other - its not going to matter if "Google is in Second" because they will have to contend with a market where they can go to third in 6 months. In other workds - its who can do the best at leveraging one success into another - and in a market such as this - anybody can do that.

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. of Osama bin Laden 39 s death.
  • of Osama bin Laden 39 s death.

  • Gaelic1
    Nov 1, 12:21 PM
    If it's a simple swap of processors, then I would believe the rumors. :) 8-cores, wow! Much much faster than anyone anticipated.
    Just who will write the programs for all this parallel processing? It's not simple and full of crashes as one core competes with memory etc. I believe it will be a long time before programming will catch up to these processors. That doesn't make them worth the money just yet.;)

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Once again Osama in Laden 39 s
  • Once again Osama in Laden 39 s

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 13, 05:29 PM
    Bah humans in general are eejits.

    Some, but otherwise I cannot fault your abuse of English. ;)

    Except for you and me ...... and I'm not totally sure about you. :p

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. of Osama Bin Laden 39 s. tear
  • of Osama Bin Laden 39 s. tear

  • Rt&Dzine
    Mar 14, 07:58 PM
    I think part of the problem may have to do with the fact that the plants are designed by engineers. Engineers' focus is elegance: accomplishing the most in the most minimalist way. Nuclear power plants need much less minimalism and elegance than just about anything else humans can make, but costs and other limitations tend to guide the design toward what engineers are best at. Redundancy and over-building are desirable, I believe we end up with too much elegance instead.

    I was paraphrasing something a nuclear physicist once told me. I didn't get the sense that he thought it mattered what type of human was involved.

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Osama bin Laden 39 s death at.
  • Osama bin Laden 39 s death at.

  • SimD
    Apr 12, 11:10 PM
    I remember a time when people discussed interesting news on MacRumors. :(

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Osama bin Laden 39 s  mini me
  • Osama bin Laden 39 s mini me

  • CaoCao
    Mar 25, 09:59 AM
    Subtract the individuals affiliated with gangs and the mentally unstable and we're staring at a long list of homosexuals murdered by "mainstream" individuals, many of whom attended church on a regular basis and were in fact catholic. That their religious affiliations are not immediately telegraphed is not evidence of absence, but rather of the fact that 76% of the population self-identifies as Christian.
    Aren't we having a thread about religion dying?
    Don't forget to subtract the victims who we aren't sure about them being killed because they were homosexual.

    So, how many can you prove were Catholic, mentally stable and not in gangs?
    People can BELIEVE whatever they want.

    The reason why people have a problem with what the Vatican BELIEVES it is because it is so frequently converted into something that PHYSICALLY restricts the rights of other adults.

    Stop imposing on people's rights, and you can go ahead and continue believing whatever you do.

    Whether or not their beliefs are bigoted are a side issue and only strays from the actual reason people don't like the Vatican.
    "so frequently" ORLY? Prove it. To prove that the Catholic Church restricts rights you have to prove that the rights existed before.

    PS Marriage is a privilege not a right.
    To stretch my own analogy, it also ignores that the men who put on white hoods and terrorized black people were not "mainstream" white people either, but they were nevertheless acting on the attitudes held by "mainstream" white people. They were radical, but saw themselves as the ones with the strength of will to enforce the true will of the "mainstream." It's all very well to believe that the darkies should keep their place, but somebody's got to do the work of keeping them there when they step out of line.

    However, I will return to what I touched on before: the Catholic Church (and Christian churches generally in the United States) currently have no need for terrorist thugs. They have great political influence and have convinced a significant plurality (seemingly no longer a majority, I am gratified to point out) that they are entitled to subjugate others bloodlessly and anonymously through the democratic process.

    At least this is so until the courts clearly state once and for all that this is incompatible with our law and our society. Incidentally, that's also when the thugs will really come out, and you watch how many of them claim to be doing the Lord's work.
    The Klan was basically an organization with the express purpose of keeping Negroes in line, can you prove an equivalent organization in the Catholic Church?
    I did not miss the fact that you tried to expand the discussion point. ;)

    Unfortunately, none of that is relevant to the original point of the thread. Looking back through the thread, Catholics and Catholicism were/ are the discussion. Not all 'Christians' and the 'mainstream'.

    If we constantly expand the topic, none of what was previously said is relevant.

    Had a more conservative member of this board attempted to 'stretch' the original point of the thread to included all 'Christians' and the 'mainstream', I would bet my life that ones attempting to 'stretch' the original point of this thread would jump down his or her throat in a second.
    You forgot the fact that many "Christians" in the US are fundamentalist nuts

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Osama bin Laden 39 s Death.
  • Osama bin Laden 39 s Death.

  • gugy
    Sep 12, 06:42 PM
    Wow, a TON OF YOU totally miss the iTV purpose, to stream content FROM YOUR MAC! That's why no tuner, no storage, no anything!! Does Airport Express have storage, an antenna, etc?!? NO!!!

    I love this! I want one today! I'm going to get a huge HD, maybe two of them and start my stored media collection on my G5 that I can wirelessly access in my HT room from the iTV's wireless remote!! I love it!! Music, Family photos in a slide show, eyegato to record HD programs!! Awesome!!!

    This so rocks and will make a ton of money for Apple! I can't wait, this is truly what I've been looking for as there's no HDMI out on my G5!!

    Thank you!
    Finally. Most people are not getting it.
    The only thing keeps me from screaming of excitement is IF the wireless stream will be perfect. If Apple can make it work, I'll do exactly what you have described above. Elgato will be my next purchase at the same time I buy ITV.

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Once again Osama in Laden 39 s
  • Once again Osama in Laden 39 s

  • supmango
    Mar 18, 10:48 AM

    The whole "it's MY data, I can do what I want with it!" argument is countered by your perfect analogy with a buffet. I tip my hat to you on that one. If you're at an all-you-can-eat buffet, it doesn't mean you can share your food with your entire family.

    I've always believed that unlimited data, on a smartphone, enables you to connect to the internet as much as you want on the device you're contracted to. It's not like home internet where you can share the connection, nor have I ever imagined it would be.

    I think that people just like to get "angry at the man" when they don't get things the way they want. ATT is trying to improve their network, good for them.

    If AT&T let you keep your "unlimited" data plan AND add tethering, his analogy would work. As it stands right now, AT&T forces you to downgrade to a capped data plan and add tethering to it which essentially doubles your data cap to 2gb.

    The analogy is more accurately like a traditional restaurant where you order an entre that is not "all you can eat". But in this case, they don't allow you to share it with another person, even though you could never possibly eat all of it by yourself (use your existing data allotment). However, they are more than happy to let you buy another entre. Oh, and you can't take home your leftovers either (rollover). That does a little better job of highlighting exactly how AT&T is being greedy in this scenario.

    Bottom line, what people are doing is sticking with unlimited data and tethering (using some other means), and then downloading gigabits of data which does affect network performance for other users. That is how AT&T sees it. If you are careful about what you do while "illegally" tethering, and how often you do it, I seriously doubt they will figure it out. They really aren't that put together on this, as anyone who has spoken to "customer service" can attest.

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Osama bin Laden 39 s  mini me
  • Osama bin Laden 39 s mini me

  • rdowns
    Apr 15, 10:49 AM
    Snip a bunch of made up crap from a made up book supposedly written by a made up guy.

    More hate from the god squad. :rolleyes:

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Osama Bin Laden 39 s death.
  • Osama Bin Laden 39 s death.

  • Multimedia
    Nov 3, 05:50 AM
    Then show me the data that backs up your claim that the average consumer is archeiving HD broadcast recordings on their iMac.I never made such a claim. You completely misunderstand my meaning. I wrote that whole scenario to refute your opinion Software is behind Hardware and show that the opposite is true.

    They aren't. That's my whole point. They aren't because they can't because the hardware is too weak. That was the entire point of my above post. That's why all these 8, 16 and then 32 core processors are so needed ASAP.

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Osama Bin Laden 39 s death is
  • Osama Bin Laden 39 s death is

  • Grimace
    Jul 11, 10:01 PM
    My credit card is ready! I would love a machine to make Aperture a little more zippy.

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Osama Bin Laden 39 s niece.
  • Osama Bin Laden 39 s niece.

  • Kid Red
    Sep 12, 06:40 PM
    Honestly though, who would want to stream HD??
    1st, if the iTV did support HD, apple would "probably" have to sell HD content - and like hell I'm downloading a 9GB movie!!

    2nd, HardDisk space disappears fast enough as it is...!

    3rd, Why??? I have an HDTV and I barely see the difference between DVDs and 720p HDTV... (1080i is another matter).

    What!! HAHA, do you know your TV is downrezzing to 720? So, how does 1080i look better than 720? You can see the difference between downrezzed to 720p-1080i and 720p, but you can't see a difference between HD and a 480p DVD?!!

    Either you need a new HD set, or a new HD provider. There is simply no comparison, really. HD is night and day, leaps and bounds better than DVD.

    Apple's iTV would NEVER do HD, it simply is a chain between your HD tv and your mac that DOES do HD. Your computer is the player, so yes, I'd suspect I could record HD off my g5, and stream it to my HD set.

    Can't wait!!!

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Osama bin Laden 39 s.
  • Osama bin Laden 39 s.

  • archipellago
    May 2, 04:11 PM
    The market share myth is exactly that: a myth. It doesn't hold water.

    Its not a myth, we've interviewed hackers after conviction, they have no interest in pursuing Macs due to the numbers. To get a really good and useful bot net you'd need roughly 25% of the entire user base!!!!

    these guys deal in tens of millions!

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Osama in Laden 39 s death is.
  • Osama in Laden 39 s death is.

  • Evangelion
    Jul 12, 06:41 AM
    Because 105% of Mac-users have bought Photoshop Elements bundled with a digital camera.

    I have a digital camera, yet it didn't come with Photoshop Elements. Strange huh?

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Osama bin Laden 39 s daughter.
  • Osama bin Laden 39 s daughter.

  • puma1552
    Mar 12, 06:03 AM
    Good. Perhaps we can depend on being kept up to date. The media does it's job, but is a loose cannon.

    The problem for the west with a situation like this (or conversely the east when something happens in the west), is that the news in the other hemisphere is bound to be delayed, and at the mercy of translation; it goes with the territory.

    I don't want to start a pissing match with anyone, because I think all of us want the same thing, and fear the same thing.

    All I'm advocating is waiting on reliable information as things develop, and not to jump to any wild conclusions. If anyone's got vested interest in worrying, it's us here in Japan.

    PHOTOS Osama in Laden 39 s. Osama in Laden 39 s Wives.
  • Osama in Laden 39 s Wives.

  • stunna
    Jul 12, 09:57 AM
    Maybe Apple will give you a choice.

    Apr 25, 12:45 PM
    Comma added, because my brain was starting to hurt. ;)

    And I agree, but then 'power' is lost, and that just won't do, now will it? :rolleyes:

    No not really especially when power is often held by those placing themselves in the position of interpreting what God thinks and wants...

    I do think it was a bad call when God decided that strapping on explosives and blowing up the local market and it's customers was appropriate. ;)

    Sep 12, 06:42 PM
    Wow, a TON OF YOU totally miss the iTV purpose, to stream content FROM YOUR MAC! That's why no tuner, no storage, no anything!! Does Airport Express have storage, an antenna, etc?!? NO!!!

    I love this! I want one today! I'm going to get a huge HD, maybe two of them and start my stored media collection on my G5 that I can wirelessly access in my HT room from the iTV's wireless remote!! I love it!! Music, Family photos in a slide show, eyegato to record HD programs!! Awesome!!!

    This so rocks and will make a ton of money for Apple! I can't wait, this is truly what I've been looking for as there's no HDMI out on my G5!!

    Thank you!
    Finally. Most people are not getting it.
    The only thing keeps me from screaming of excitement is IF the wireless stream will be perfect. If Apple can make it work, I'll do exactly what you have described above. Elgato will be my next purchase at the same time I buy ITV.

    Apr 6, 10:14 AM
    Good stuff, Spaceman, very helpful.

    Question: where can I go online to learn about some of these "more advanced" things? Not just the basic "Why a Mac?" videos, but the good stuff.

    Probably the best place to start is on Apples own site, check out:


    I used to run Apple training courses for people switching from Windows to Mac and most people were very surprised how little was different. Remember Windows is a copy of the original Mac OS. Microsoft Word was a Mac app before it was available on a PC! Bill Gates only wrote windows because Apple wouldn't licence their system to run on the IBM systems of the day.

    You won't really see the differences until you get to use the Mac yourself. But when you do, the best thing to do is just go with it. Don't try to think - how would a PC do this, just think - if I wanted to do this how would I logically do it and you'll find that 9 x out of 10 that is the way it "just works!"

    Apple have designed the Mac OS to be very powerful, but also to get out of your way, there is a reason that they don't supply a manual with the Mac - you don't need one, it really is that good. Most users only scratch the surface of what the Mac OS can do [which is fine] and a lot of PC switchers fail to find the more productive features because they tend to think 'Oh the Mac doesn't do that' when it usually does. You just have to be prepared to change the way you do some things [usually for the better] and you'll be fine.

    If you get stuck click the Help menu item and go from there. If you're still suck ask a question here, I'm sure we'll help out if we can.

    Feb 23, 02:32 PM
    Android is going to do what Windows did. Those who like that Windows experience (read "cheap") are going to go in that direction. Those that want the elegant, minimalistic, rock solid OS, continue to stay with iPhone.
    Define "cheap". The only people that save money are the manufacturers who have less licening fees with Android as it is open source. I know for one that the �420 (after 17.5% UK tax) I paid for my Nexus One was anything but "cheap".

    One thing I did notice though, in any numbers comparisons. Apple sells one phone, with one OS, and currently with one carrier (a hated one, btw). Android is running on several phones, and many carriers. The actual comparison is flawed. Let me suggest this. If one gets a choice of 'Droid or iP, the iP will win out, even if the iP is a bit more expensive.
    What about the rest of the world? iPhone is sold in multiple carriers outside the U.S.A. There is a whole worldwide market to dominate out there. Remember that the original article is citing "the global smart phone market by 2012".

    On the subject of price, there is a good chance that Apple may be able to undercut others because they could be using their own chips, soon.
    Would that not make the iPhone "cheap"? Nice to know that any money Apple can save to pass on to the customer is defined as "undercutting" yet when HTC, Samsung, Motorola, LG (et;al) are all "cheap" for using Android.

    May 2, 04:13 PM
    by default and design, Windows has been more secure than OSX for years now...Google it...!
    Well, we have indisputable proof now! :rolleyes: